The EU's Lies Blow Up In Their Face
Posted 2010-11-16 10:43
by Karl Denninger
in International

Austria is now reported to have said "NUTS" to Greece. ... t_certain/

Finance Minister Josef Proell says that the December tranche of Austria's contribution -- 190 million euros ($258 million)-- will only be paid out if Greece can show that it has raised the amount of money it pledged to take in through taxes.

And that, my friends, is that.

Greece isn't going to raise taxes further, and it hasn't met its commitments. In fact, it has now been shown that Greece was lying even more severely than previously believed.

This entire EU "rescue fund" is about to come apart.

I hope you're appropriately protected - my prediction that the next leg of this mess was going to initiate in Europe appears to coming to fruition.

Oh, and Ireland isn't assured to "go smoothly" either.