I called my brother flipping out on Obama wanting fishing outlawed, along with lobstering, clamming and most likely any eating of anything alive.

I knew that he and his Green Comrades intend to take down our country by way of environmental issues or healthcare. Everything in our lives relates to one of the other.

So my brother says, "You want to hear what happened to a me and all my friends? The state sent every private company (probably many other types too) paperwork to fill out on everything you have in your business. Every hammer every nail, every tractor,........EVERYTHING!!! They want the price you paid, what you still owe and what it's worth now!"

The whole town's people are up in arms and most likely the whole state. My brother asked if it was the town or the state doing it.

I told him it's OBAMA!!! That probably the Governors were told to do it at that recent Governors conference. What do you think?
Has your state done this to you yet?
He's crazy to p*ss off a bunch of redneck Mainers and especially FISHERMEN!!!!!
P.s. Fishing is suppose to calm you down........

I thought I read an article recently that was about something like that.
I remember it saying that it is not lawful for them to ask and people don't have to do it.
Does this spark anyone memory?? I would love your input because the town is calling a meeting.