Neocon War criminal says open the floodgates to Haiti

January 23, 6:34 PM
LA Nonpartisan Examiner Robert Stark

Many political figures are offering their solutions to the humanitarian crisis in Haiti. Elliott Abrams, a senior fellow for Middle Eastern studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, wrote an op-ed in the Washington Times saying that what Haiti needs is a Diaspora. Abrams says that "a larger Haitian Diaspora would be a far better base for the country's economic future than aid pledges that may or may not be met. If several hundred thousand more Haitians were able to migrate, those Dominican, Honduran or Salvadoran numbers suggest that remittances to Haiti would give its economy a huge and continuing jolt. Abrams points out that the Haitian Diaspora sends home $1.9 billion in remittances. In 2007 the US gave Haiti $210 Million in foreign aid. Considering the poverty we would be importing it would cost us much less just to send the money directly in aid. Thanks to Israeli Lobby which Abrams has a major role in we give Israel approx $3 Billion a year in aid.

Abrams says "this would require Canada, France and the United States -- the First World countries with the largest Haitian Diaspora communities -- to adopt a different and more liberal immigration policy toward Haiti," and that President Obama "should be asking Congress not only to provide aid funds but also to allow a significant increase in the number of Haitians legally admitted to the United States -- to several times the roughly 25,000 per year in the past decade. Canada and France should do the same." He adds "if the United States is committed to giving Haiti hope for the future, enlarging the Haitian Diaspora is a surefire way to succeed." However he does not take into account the affect it would have on our nation to import massive amounts of poverty and leaves Israel off the list of nations that should take in Haitian refugees.

Abrams was the assistant secretary of state in the Reagan administration and a deputy national security adviser to President George W. Bush. He was pardoned by the senior Bush for charges in regard to the Iran Contra affairs. Abrams is a leading figure in the neoconservative movement and Israel Lobby, including The Project for a new American Century which lobbied for the Iraq War and the American Jewish Committee. He is a fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, a One World Government organization who openly seek the deconstruction of the USA, through relentlessly supporting open borders and mass immigration. In1997, Abrams published a book entitled, Fear or Faith: How Jews Can Survive in a Christian America that condemed intermarriage. Abrams is also a strong supporter of War with Iran.

Abrams and his Neocon fellow travelers are strong supporters of Israel's Likudiks but they could learn a lot by listening to what their leader has to say on the topic of immigration. Netanyahu said about Israel that "we have become almost the only First World country that can be reached by foot from the Third World. We are flooded with surge of refugees who threaten to wash away our achievements and damage our existence as a Jewish democratic state." Netanyahu plans to build a fence along the Israeli Egyptian border to keep out illegal immigrants and says that "Illegal African immigration is a serious threat to Israel's Jewish and democratic character."

We should be asking ourselves what is in the best interest of America. We should not be importing poverty when we have an unemployment rate of over 10%. I have no problem with helping other nations in times of crisis but massive immigration has proven that it does not alleviate poverty in the third world but only imports it to first world nations. Our immigration policy need to be for the benefit of America and not other nations.

This Globalist ideology that Abrams and his ilk follow has been coined as "invade the world invite the world." Because of Abrams role in the war in Iraq and support for unhumanitartion measures in the occupied territories I question the sincerity of his new found "humanitarianism." He does not support granting Palestinians equal rights because he belives they pose a threat to Israel yet he supports flooding America with massive immigration. Why doesn't he welcome refugees into his own elitist neighborhood or to his true country of loyalty. We can help Haiti in a time of crisis but importing the problem through immigration is not a solution. ... s-to-Haiti