I can't believe my eyes...please scroll down toward end of article underlined in red...Do you see what I see????

The Clintons are pathological liars!!! Chelsea has the gall to make up a story about a 7 and 11 year old asking her about social security...with terror in their eyes!!!! This family should be in a psychiatric ward! It's stunning in it's absurdity!

Chelsea Clinton tangles verbally with pro-Obama student

by Harry Esteve, The Oregonian Saturday April 12, 2008, 2:54 PM
CORVALLIS -- Chelsea Clinton, who is campaigning in Oregon for her mother today, left Corvallis at 5:30 p.m., running behind on her way to a 6:15 p.m. appearance at Portland State University's Smith Memorial Union.

Traveling in a navy-blue Ford Explorer, she stopped at 6:10 p.m. at a Starbucks on Northeast Lancaster Drive in Salem.

She spoke before a crowd of about 250 at OSU's Memorial Union Main Lounge.

In her first appearance of the day in Eugene, Clinton sparred briefly today with a Barack Obama supporter who asked whether Sen. Hillary Clinton would consider a vice presidential gig if she doesn't win the nomination.

"Well, sir, you make a lot of assumptions in that," Clinton said, stirring a loud round of applause from a crowd of more than 300 at the Eugene Hilton.

Clinton went on to say that she believes passionately in her mom's bid. She said that such questions are better answered after voters have their say in Pennsylvania, Oregon and the other states yet to weigh in on the primary.

Matt Keating, a 31-year-old student at Lane Community College, started his question by saying, "With all due respect ..." and Clinton, 28, immediately interrupted with a semi-sarcastic, "Oh dear."

Keating said afterward he was impressed with Clinton's response even though he supports her mother's opponent in the race.

"Maybe she should have a career in politics, because she gave a political response," Keating said about Chelsea Clinton. He later added, "It's difficult not to be charmed by someone so well-spoken."

Clinton's visit marked the third time in three weeks that a member of the former presidential family has campaigned in Oregon. Two weeks ago, former president Bill Clinton campaigned in several Oregon cities for his wife. Last weekend, Hillary Clinton held campaign rallies in Portland and Eugene.

The all-out press by the Clintons is aimed at countering the lead Obama has shown in polls of Oregon voters. Obama campaigned in Oregon three weeks ago and is expected to return.

Ballots for Oregon's May 20 primary will be mailed in the first week of May, and both candidates are fighting hard for any delegates they can muster before the national nominating convention in August.

Chelsea Clinton spent nearly an hour today answering questions at the Oregon Democratic Party's platform convention in Eugene. The crowd, including convention attendees as well as the public, paid $100 each to see her speak.

Afterward, she headed up Interstate 5 for similar Q-and-A sessions at Oregon State University in Corvallis and Portland State University. The college appearances were free.

In Eugene, Clinton demonstrated the verbal skills for which her mother and father are famous -- never faltering at the microphone and spewing nonstop statistics to back her points.

Mary Botkin, an Oregon union organizer, asked what Hillary Clinton would do to bring more parity between men's and women's wages, noting that on average women make 75 percent of men's pay for the same work.

Chelsea Clinton acknowledged the pay disparity, then went on to note that African American women earn 71 percent of what men earn and Latino women make 66 percent.

"Women actually lost ground to men last year," Clinton said, adding that her mother would revive equal pay laws that were passed four decades ago.

Clinton spent much of her time talking about her mother's plan to provide universal health care, boost spending for special education, focus more education money on preschoolers and lower the country's oil consumption.

She said, as she has in the past, that her mother would make a better president than her father was "because she's just much better prepared." Hillary Clinton, she said, knows more about the legislative process and how to work with Congress to move bills.

"That's something my dad just didn't understand," she said. Although she admitted to being a "numbers dork," Clinton also knew how to keep things light now and then. She said she's been amazed at times at the depth of knowledge her audiences display -- even some of the younger ones.

"I've now had a 7-year-old and an 11-year-old look at me with terror in their eyes and say, 'What's going to happen with social security?'" Clinton said. "I'm like, how old are you?"

Betsy Salter, who is attending the Democratic convention, said she was "amazed" by the younger Clinton's speaking ability. "I've never heard her speak before," Salter said. "I have to admit, I came in here supporting Barack Obama and now I'm not really sure."

http://www.oregonlive.com/politics/inde ... erbal.html