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Thread: Climate 411 | Vancouver – 3 times usual February snowfall in 3 days Ice Age Now

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    Climate 411 | Vancouver – 3 times usual February snowfall in 3 days Ice Age Now

    Climate 411

    Vancouver – 3 times usual February snowfall in 3 days
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    Green Raw Deal: Big Bowl of Crazy – ‘Global warming’ is merely the latest environmental scare with the same solutions of wealth redistribution and central planning

    Order Your Book Copy Now! ‘The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change’ By Marc Morano

    Reuters: Labor unions fear Democrats’ Green New Deal poses job threat – Fear ‘job losses that will surely come’

    Worried about ‘Global warming’? Blame the Democrat Presidents! Analysis reveals GOP presidencies coincide with global cooling – ‘The top 6 warming presidencies were all Democrats’ A Silly Analysis (This is about as valid as the everything is caused by climate change arguments): "All 8 [Presidential] administrations who oversaw a cooling trend were Republican. There has never been a Democrat president who oversaw a cooling global temperature. Also, the top 6 warming presidencies were all Democrats."

    NASA: ‘The world is a greener place than it was 20 years ago’ – ‘Thanks to tree planting & agriculture’

    Ski Chief Urged to Quit Over Skeptical Climate Comment
    Head Of International Ski Federation dismisses ‘so-called climate change’ – ‘There is no proof for it…Everybody who came to me shivering I welcomed with: Welcome to global warming’ - Gian Franco-Kasper, the president of the International Ski Federation: “There still is the so called climate change...There is no proof for it. We have snow, in part even a lot of it,” he said. “I was in Pyeongchang for the Olympiad. We had minus 35 degrees C. Everybody who came to me shivering I welcomed with: welcome to global warming.”

    Russian Arctic Islands Sound Emergency Over ‘Invasion’ By Polar Bears

    WORLD COOLING – BUT RAPID WARMING FORECAST "Since the beginning of the century it didn’t change much from year to year until the 2015/16 super El Nino came along. Then the temperature went up, as usual, and now it’s coming down again."

    Delingpole: Alarmists Cook up Warming Scare as Planet Cools

    Here we go again! Media hypes alleged ‘Hottest year’ declarations as 2018 cools, slips to 4th ‘warmest’ – Book excerpt Media and scientists hyping temperature changes year-to-year so small as to be within the margin of error.
    Book Excerpt - The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change:
    Retired MIT climate scientist Richard Lindzen has ridiculed “hottest year” claims. “The uncertainty here is tenths of a degree. When someone points to this and says this is the warmest temperature on record, what are they talking about? It’s just nonsense. This is a very tiny change period,” Lindzen said.
    “If you can adjust temperatures to 2/10ths of a degree, it means it wasn’t certain to 2/10ths of a degree.” Lindzen pointed out, “We’re talking about less than a tenth of degree with an uncertainty of about a quarter of a degree. Moreover, such small fluctuations—even if real—don’t change the fact that the trend for the past 20 years has been much less than models have predicted.”

    Climatologist Dr. Judith Curry to Congress: ‘Man-made climate change is not an existential threat on the time’ – ‘The cure could be worse than the disease’

    University of Alabama scientists: ‘No evidence’ climate change causes extreme cold – ‘Speculative, at best. Just like most theories of climate change’

    Leading German Geologist Calls Notion Of ‘Climate Tipping Points’ Scientific Hype By Opportunistic Scientists

    Science Wins! Climatologist Dr. John Christy joins EPA science board: Christy: ‘If you choose to make regulations about CO2…it’s not going to do anything about the climate’

    Christy: “[W]e are not morally bad people for taking carbon and turning it into the energy that offers life to humanity in a world that would otherwise be brutal (think of life before modernity). On the contrary, we are good people for doing so.”
    “If you choose to make regulations about carbon dioxide, that’s OK. You as a state can do that; you have a right to do it. But it’s not going to do anything about the climate. And it’s going to cost, there’s no doubt about that.”
    “I was at the table with three Europeans, and we were having lunch. And they were talking about their role as lead authors. And they were talking about how they were trying to make the report so dramatic that the United States would just have to sign that Kyoto Protocol.”

    CNN: ‘Climate change will change the color of the oceans’ – ‘Climate change will make the blues of the ocean bluer and the greens greener’

    Dutch Climate Intelligence Foundation Challenges Belgian Climate Alarmists

    Vortices Of Controversy…Experts Slam Polar Vortex-Global Warming Claim, Suggest Public Trickery

    New paper connects upper stratospheric ozone changes to the solar cycle

    Newsweek features Morano – Mag. agrees with Morano’s claims on UN Paris pact! FOX NEWS GUEST MORANO SAYS ADDRESSING CLIMATE THROUGH PARIS AGREEMENT ARE ‘MEDIEVAL WITCHCRAFT’ Newsweek agrees that Morano's 2 key points on Fox & Friends are correct!

    Green New Deal: A Democratic suicide note – Pat Buchanan says AOC’s plan ‘reads like it was written by the college socialists club’ The unemployment rate when FDR took the oath in 1933 was 25 percent. It never fell below 14 percent through the 1930s. In June 1938, despite huge Democratic majorities in Congress, FDR was presiding over a nation where unemployment was back up to 19 percent. World War II and the conscription of 16 million young men gave us “full employment.” And the war’s end and demobilization saw the return of real prosperity in 1946, after FDR was dead.
    Yet this Green New Deal is nothing if not ambitious. To cope with climate change, the GND calls for a 10-year plan to meet “100 percent of the power demand of the United States through clean, renewable, and zero-emission energy sources.”

    Warmists upset: ‘Climate denier’ Morano on Fox & Friends: International efforts to address climate change are ‘medieval witchcraft” Fox & Friends - Broadcast February 12, 2019 - Full Video of segment here
    MARC MORANO (CLIMATEDEPOT.COM): It's been called the most expensive treaty in world history with a price tag of upwards of $100 trillion, a global cost of $1 to $2 trillion annually, and, again, you mentioned this two degree thing, and I actually point out this was -- the authors of this two degrees target actually admit it was, quote, pulled from thin air, the scientists in the United Nations admit this. So -- and then even The Washington Post has acknowledged that, even if you're afraid of global warning, the U.N. Paris Agreement would basically do nothing, has no impact on the climate. This is medieval witchcraft to think that we can all come together with some treaty, make a bunch of pledges, and have a temperature a hundred years that's different.

    Major labor union (which endorsed Hillary & Obama twice for Prez) unloads on ‘Green New Deal’ as ‘unrealistic manifesto’ that will ‘destroy workers’ livelihoods’ – & cause ‘economic and social devastation’ Labor leader Terry O’Sullivan, who's union twice endorsed President Obama for President and endorsed Hillary Clinton in 2016, is have come out swinging against the "Green New Deal" from New York Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
    Statement of Terry O’Sullivan, General President of the Laborers’ International Union of North America, On the “Green New Deal”:
    "It is exactly how not to win support for critical measures to curb climate change...It is difficult to take this unrealistic manifesto seriously, but the economic and social devastation it would cause if it moves forward is serious and real...threatens to destroy workers’ livelihoods, increase divisions and inequality, and undermine the very goals it seeks to reach. In short, it is a bad deal."
    Climate Depot Note: Other's on the political left are bailing on the "Green New Deal" as well: see: Prominent environmentalist Shellenberger: ‘I am calling Bullsh*t’ on Ocasio-Cortez! Declares AOC is ‘a climate fraud’ – Rips ‘Green New Deal’ as ‘climate fakery’

    ‘Get rid of farting cows?’ – Hey Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, EVERYTHING Farts’
    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez CAUGHT IN MAJOR LIE! … Claims Crazy ‘Green New Deal’ Document FROM HER OWN WEBSITE Is a Fake!

    Trump applauds Democrats’ Green dream: ‘It would be great for the so-called ‘Carbon Footprint’ to permanently eliminate all Planes, Cars, Cows, Oil, Gas & the Military – even if no other country would do the same’

    The mysterious case of AOC’s scrubbed ‘Green New Deal’ details – By the afternoon of Feb. 7, Ocasio-Cortez removed the document from her website

    Watch: Morano on Fox & Friends on the Green Raw Deal: ‘This plan is plagiarism pure and simple’ – They recycled same ‘solutions’ of ‘wealth redistribution & central planning’ from previous eco-scares
    Marc Morano on Fox & Friends - Broadcast February 8, 2019 - Brian Kilmeade and Ainsley Earhardt
    Morano: 'This plan is plagiarism pure and simple. They borrowed it from the 1960s and 1970s. In my book, I detail how different environmental scares -- over population, resource scarcity, even global cooling -- had the same solutions: wealth redistribution, central planning, sovereignty limiting, and just a massive government intervention.'
    Anchor Brian Kilmeade: The Green New Deal l"ooks like something that was put out by a 10th grader?"
    MORANO: "Actually 10th is being very, very generous."
    KILMEADE: "Let's go seventh."
    MORANO: "I would go as low as third grade. I mean, this is a -- just a big bowl of crazy wish list of everything you could imagine.
    Green Raw Deal: Big Bowl of Crazy – ‘Global warming’ is merely the latest environmental scare with the same solutions of wealth redistribution and central planning'


    WSJ writer slams Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal, says it looks like Dem parody bill

    OCASIO-CORTEZ: FIXING ‘GLOBAL WARMING’ REQUIRES ‘MASSIVE GOVERNMENT INTERVENTION’ Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said she has no qualms about acknowledging a so-called “Green New Deal” will mean unprecedented governmental intrusion into the private sector. Appearing on NPR, she was asked if she’s prepared to tell Americans outright that her plans involve “massive government intervention.”
    “As you know, congresswoman, one reason that people are politically conservative are skeptical of efforts to combat climate change is that it sounds to them like it requires massive government intervention, which they just don’t like,” Steve Inskeep asked. “Are you prepared to put on that table that, ‘Yes actually they’re right, what this requires is massive government intervention’?”
    “It does, it does, yeah, I have no problem saying that,” Ocasio-Cortez quickly replied. “Why? Because we have tried their approach for 40 years. For 40 years we have tried to let the private sector take care of this.

    2019 claim: 'Spanish colonization in the Americas contributed to global cooling...What next? How the Roman warming period was brought to a premature end by the increasing demand for crucifixes?'

    Naomi Klein: Trump’s Oil and Gas Supporters Aren’t Climate Change ‘Deniers,’ ‘They Are Arsonists’ Climate change skeptic Marc Morano, the founder of the non-profit Climate Depot, said that Naomi Klein believes that free markets and the Earth's climate cannot co-exist. In a response to Klein, Morano, a conservative, tweeted, “Yes! Cheered! It was awesome! Let me guess, you think capitalism is incompatible with a livable climate!? I guessed your views correctly." "Your new idea is to stop calling climate skeptics ‘deniers’ and instead call them ‘climate arsonists’?!" said Morano. "Have fun with that Naomi!”
    On his website, Morano noted that the Los Angeles Times likened Trump to an arsonist. In a 2018 story, the newspaper ran the headline, "As global warming continues, Trump wants to burn fossil fuels with an arsonist's glee."

    Rush Limbaugh: The President DID Talk About Climate Change – ‘Trump told them to go pound sand’ Limbaugh: 'Trump is essentially telling them to go to hell on their climate change stuff.'
    'You know when he talked about it? He talked about climate change when he regaled everybody that we are now a net exporter of fossil fuels. We don’t need Saudi Arabian oil anymore. We don’t need depend on anybody. We are producing more oil and natural gas than anybody in the world...So when Trump starts touting how amazing we’re doing in energy, that we are leading the world in production, that we are the leading energy sector and our the economy is among one of the greatest aspects of it, he is essentially telling them to go to hell on their climate change stuff.'

    Analysis: The Green New Dealers want $100 trillion dollars Over 10 Years As with WW2, the Green New Deal will simply consume about half of American GDP...If you start with a budget of 40-60% of US GDP you can think really big, and the Green New Dealers have done just that. GDP is running around $20 trillion a year, or $200 trillion in ten years. Taking 40-60% of that is $80-120 trillion, so let’s call it an even $100 trillion to finance the Green New Deal dream.
    The ways and means of raising this stupendous sum of $100 trillion are also clear in their minds. It will be done the same way WW2 was done, however that was. It is obvious to them that we can do this, because we have done it before. The specifics do not matter to the Plan. The Government can work them out.

    Prominent environmentalist Shellenberger: ‘I am calling Bullsh*t’ on Ocasio-Cortez! Declares AOC is ‘a climate fraud’ – Rips ‘Green New Deal’ as ‘climate fakery’ Environmentalist Michael Shellenberger, President of "Environmental Progress" & an activist Time Magazine called a “Hero of the Environment":
    "I am calling bullshit not just on AOC but on her progressive enablers in the news media who are giving her a pass on the most crucial test of moral and political leadership of our time when it comes to climate change: a person's stance on nuclear power."
    "I am calling bullshit on climate fakery. Anyone who is calling for phasing out nuclear is a climate fraud perpetuating precisely the gigantic 'hoax' that [Oklahoma] Sen. James Inhofe (R) famously accused environmentalists of perpetuating."
    "If you want to be a self-respecting progressive or journalist who is fairly considering or covering the climate issue, please stop giving Ocasio-Cortex and other supposedly climate-concerned greens a pass. THEY ARE INCREASING EMISSIONS."

    Harrison Ford delivers apocalyptic climate change warning – ‘Fresh water shortages, higher greenhouse gas emissions, unprecedented fires, worldwide destruction. Is this the world we want?’

    White House blasts AOC’s Green New Deal: ‘Central planning disaster’

    Skeptical ‘Politically Incorrect’ climate book surges to #1 Amazon Best Seller in ‘Climatology’ – Goes into its 4th printing as it surpasses Carl Sagan’s ‘Cosmos’ book

    Green New Deal: Read the full text

    Rush Limbaugh on ‘Green New Deal’: ‘The left has literally have gone nuts on this climate change business’

    PROPONENTS OF GREEN NEW DEAL STRUGGLE TO EXPLAIN PHASE-OUT OF COMBUSTION ENGINE Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal calls to: “Totally overhaul transportation by massively expanding electric vehicle manufacturing, build charging stations everywhere, build out high-speed rail at a scale where air travel stops becoming necessary, create affordable public transit available to all, with goal to replace every combustion-engine vehicle.”
    But Sen. Markey explained, “It doesn’t actually have a specific technology that it talks about.”

    ‘Green New Deal’ Unveiled: Entire economy would operate it – Govt would have ‘appropriate ownership stakes’ in ALL Green New Deal businesses JunkScience's Steve Milloy: 1. The entire economy would operate under the Green New Deal.
    2. The government would have 'appropriate ownership stakes' in ALL Green New Deal businesses.

    Climate Nuremberg: ‘It’s Time to Try Fossil-Fuel Executives for Crimes Against Humanity’ – ‘Already killed at least tens of thousands of people through climate-fueled disasters worldwide’ Jacobin Mag: "The fossil industry’s behavior constitutes a Crime Against Humanity in the classical sense: “a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population, with knowledge of the attack,” including murder and extermination. Unlike genocide, the UN clarifies, in the case of crimes against humanity, it is not necessary to prove that there is an overall specific intent. It suffices for there to be a simple intent to commit any of the acts listed…The perpetrator must also act with knowledge of the attack against the civilian population and that his/her action is part of that attack."
    On climate, the precedent set in Nuremberg offers other lessons as well. It’s hard to think of a problem more widely attributed to “abstract entities” than global warming, allegedly the product of some unquenchable, ubiquitous human thirst for new stuff. That old Pogo cartoon still holds sway in the popular imagination: “We have met the enemy and he is us."

    OCASIO-CORTEZ RELEASES ‘GREEN NEW DEAL’ OUTLINE – CALLS FOR ‘REPAIRING HISTORIC OPPRESSION’ Would “mobilize every aspect of American society on a scale not seen since World War 2.”
    That includes getting all our energy needs from “clean, renewable, and zero-emission energy sources” by “dramatically expanding and upgrading existing renewable power sources.” The call to “promote justice and equity” among those groups is seen as one of the “Green New Deal’s” primary goals by its architects. The House resolution has more than 20 cosponsors, according to a fact-sheet also obtained by NPR. “[I]n 10 years, we’re trying to go carbon-neutral,” Ocasio-Cortez told NPR Thursday on why the “Green New Deal” called for aggressively reducing emissions.

    Head Of International Ski Federation dismisses ‘so-called climate change’ – ‘There is no proof for it…Everybody who came to me shivering I welcomed with: Welcome to global warming’ Gian Franco-Kasper, the president of the International Ski Federation: “There still is the so called climate change...There is no proof for it. We have snow, in part even a lot of it,” he said. “I was in Pyeongchang for the Olympiad. We had minus 35 degrees C. Everybody who came to me shivering I welcomed with: welcome to global warming.”
    UPDATE: Ski Chief Urged to Quit Over Skeptical Climate Comment
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  2. #2
    Senior Member Airbornesapper07's Avatar
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    More of that Global warming!

    SNOW falls in Hawaii State Park 'for the first time ever'
    A strong storm brought power outages, harsh winds, and even snow to…
    If you're gonna fight, fight like you're the third monkey on the ramp to Noah's Ark... and brother its starting to rain. Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

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    TN Note: The following is a lecture delivered by Patrick Moore, formerly President of Greenpeace Int’l, to the Institution of Mechanical Engineers in London. He is a vocal critic of faulty science that supports climate-change caused by humans. Since he was a legend in the eco-movement, his current assessment is credible and authoritative.

    Former President of Greenpeace Scientifically Rips Climate Change to Shreds
    Last edited by Airbornesapper07; 02-13-2019 at 12:21 AM.
    If you're gonna fight, fight like you're the third monkey on the ramp to Noah's Ark... and brother its starting to rain. Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

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    American Voices
    7 February at 18:49

    Yet another Ocasio-Cortez flub, this time on the topic of the New Deal.

    If you're gonna fight, fight like you're the third monkey on the ramp to Noah's Ark... and brother its starting to rain. Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

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    Senior Member Airbornesapper07's Avatar
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    Martin Armstrong Slams Al Gore's Deliberate Global Warming Fraud To Increase Governmental Power

    "TIME magazine’s Jan 1977, cover featured the story, 'The Big Freeze' ...scientists were predicting that Earth’s average temperature could drop by 20 degrees fahrenheit. Their cited cause was, of course, that humans created global cooling..."

    Thu, 02/14/2019 - 10:20

    Authored by Martin Armstrong via,

    There is a serious question that no one wants to address. How did Al Gore create the global warming scare and earn hundreds of millions of dollars in the process?

    Before Al Gore, science was worried deeply about what we are experiencing today - global cooling.

    On April 28, 1975, Newsweek magazine published an article in which they sounded the alarm bell and proposed solutions to deliberately melt the ice caps:
    “Climatologists are pessimistic that political leaders will take any positive action to compensate for the climatic change, or even to allay its effects. They concede that some of the more spectacular solutions proposed, such as melting thearcticc ice cap by covering it with black soot or diverting arctic rivers, might create problems far greater than those they solve. But the scientists see few signs that government leaders anywhere are even prepared to take the simple measures of stockpiling food or of introducing variables of climate uncertainty into economic projections of future food supplies.”
    This sounds very similar to today’s proposed solution of putting particles in the atmosphere to deflect the sunlight to reduce global warming.
    Indeed, TIME magazine’s January 31, 1977, cover featured the cover story, “The Big Freeze.” They reported that scientists were predicting that Earth’s average temperature could drop by 20 degrees fahrenheit. Their cited cause was, of course, that humans created global cooling. Then suddenly the climate cycles shifted and it began to warm up.

    There was this core group of people who seemed to enjoy all the attention they were gathering by predicting the end of civilization caused by humans. As the temperatures began to warm, suddenly they had to switch the dire forecasts from global cooling caused by humans to global warming caused by humans.
    Al Gore came to the rescue. Global cooling meant that government should stockpile food for everyone, but that would cost money. Switching to global warming would create a different agenda that they were familiar with. Like smoking, they could tax it to HELP people. Of course, when they did stop and tax revenues began to decline, they introduced taxes on e-cigarettes and didn’t try to deter people from smoking.
    With global warming, they could tax everyone for things they did every day from driving a car to heating and cooling their homes. Suddenly, global warming was a lot more profitable for government than global cooling. The alarm bell stopped ringing that warned of a continued global cooling, seen between 1945 and 1968, that was creating a new Ice Age.
    Al Gore took the position of Vice President under President Bill Clinton. In that capacity, with Bill Clinton chasing women, Hillary became the de facto President and Al Gore was given free rein. No other Vice President enjoyed that power until Dick Cheney under George Bush, Jr.
    Gore set out to enact policies that would alter government and our future by placing humankind in harm’s way. Gore directed all funding to ensure that the climate change agenda became a top priority for the United States Government. Gore created the President’s Council on Sustainable Development. The Charter was revised on April 25, 1997, and the “Scope of Activities” was dramatically altered. Gore directed that the agenda was to be EXCLUSIVELY a global warming agenda to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. He claimed there would be NO DEBATE regarding the science behind the new agenda. Gore deliberately silenced all opposition.
    The President’s Council on Sustainable Development was to focus EXCLUSIVELY on reducing greenhouse gas emissions by adopting the U.S. economy to his agenda. The Council shifted from economic development to environmental development even though it would reduce economic development. Gore flipped the purpose of the Council to a global warming and then set about his agenda to create a crisis to increase government control and power. That can only happen when there is a crisis, which Gore then manufactured.
    To pull off the new agenda, Gore’s strategy set out to purge the government of anyone who disagreed or opposed his agenda in any way. He instilled, not the fear of God, but the fear of Gore throughout the high-ranking government officials in the agencies that included the Department of Energy, Environmental Protection Agency, National Science Foundation, Department of Education, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Their funding would be cut unless they adopted Gore’s agenda.
    When physicist Dr. William Happer, who was the Director of Energy Research at the Department of Energy, testified before Congress in 1993 in disagreement with Al Gore, he was instantly fired. Harper would later comment: “I had the privilege of being fired by Al Gore since I refused to go along with his alarmism. I did not need the job that badly.”
    Al Gore’s propaganda machine has been amazing. From the position of vice president, he changed the entire world while Bill was preoccupied with the line of girls waiting for their turn in the White House. His net worth exploded from $2 million to an estimated $300 million. His movie, An Inconvenient Truth, even made him $24 million with its apocalyptic forecasts that are an embarrassment today. He went on to win the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007, which is awarded not for peace, but whatever agenda they want to push at any given moment. He was awarded that prize jointly with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) “for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract such change.”
    What is really astonishing is that Al Gore is neither a scientist nor a climatologist. Yet, Gore is considered the leading expert despite the fact that Gore’s climate change agenda was nothing but a fraud and deliberately imposed to increase government power.
    If you're gonna fight, fight like you're the third monkey on the ramp to Noah's Ark... and brother its starting to rain. Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

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