Clock is ticking and men are dying, Obama's delay is inexplicable and makes him appear weak and indecisive

Obama Sets Punt Formation

By Jayme Evans
Monday, October 12, 2009

It’s long past time for the United States and the rest of the entire world to dispense with the Nobel Peace Prize platitudes, the edible Obama underwear, the Chia Obamas and all the other worthless, commercialized tripe and start insisting that this mere mortal, idolized as the Second coming of Jesus Christ, do something tangible to earn some of the hype that he’s drowning in.

For starters, how about winning the war, instead of capitulating, like every other Democrat president throughout the last 40 years?

While Barack Obama is taking his time re-deliberating a strategy for Afghanistan (did he ever have one?), appearing on television to defend his indefensible stinkulus, holding star parties and concerts, meeting with gay rights groups, debating health care and accepting politically-motivated awards from sniveling, European socialists for taking the United States of America back down a couple of notches, US combat forces are getting ambushed, shot, blown up, fragged by Afghan police sympathetic to al Qaeda, killed in vehicle rollovers or accidents and God knows what else. Mindful of the fact that the clock is ticking and men are dying, Obama’s delay is inexplicable and makes him appear weak and indecisive.

Mr. Obama has been given several options for what hand-picked, combat-seasoned, and decorated military leadership has defined as victory. The request for additional soldiers, without which, McChrystal bluntly warns, could lead to mission failure, was backed by General David Petraeus, the architect of the successful counter-insurgency surge in Iraq and Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Obama’s choices are quite simple:

* Send McChrystal the additional 40,000 - 60,000 men he’s asking for to win the war.
* Send him no more that a few Brigades to disengage from, and actively negotiate with the Afghan Taliban, which, according to Obama, will allow him to focus on striking al Qaeda.
* Send him no help, then accept his possible resignation.

Option number three is simply untenable. For this veteran, there is no question. Give the general what he needs and then some. Unfortunately, the prevailing opinion is that Obama will choose option number two, which would be a tremendous mistake, not just for the US, but for Afghanistan, NATO and the entire world, leading the war-torn country back into a death spiral until it once again becomes a failed state, awash in blood, not to mention a base for launching terrorist attacks.

First and foremost, you can’t separate The Taliban and al Qaeda. Though they are two separate groups, with different motives, our invasion of Afghanistan has seen both organizations mesh into a symbiotic cult of death. Concentrating only on al Qaeda is a half-measure that will actually lead to more bloodshed, oppression and terrorism.

Under Taliban rule, strict Sharia law was enforced by thuggish “morality policeâ€