Congress to Spend $15,000 Per U.S. Family by October

With just weeks to go before the beginning of the new fiscal year, Congress has yet to establish spending levels for 2008. If it completes its work on time, Congress will spend nearly $15,000 per U.S. family in the coming few weeks. Fiscal Year 2008 begins October 1st. None of the appropriations bills for Fiscal Year 2008 have been passed yet.

The twelve pending appropriations bills amount to more than $15,000 in spending per U.S. family. At this late date, Congress is likely to pass these important bills hurriedly and without careful consideration, perhaps in an omnibus package.

Listed below are the costs today of proposed spending bills for Fiscal Year 2008 per U.S. family, based on population figures and interest rates as of September 6, 2007. uses government predictions about the costs or savings from proposed laws to calculate the significance to average Americans - in dollars and cents - of proposed changes to the nation's policies. More information about these calculations is available on the "about" page of the Web site.

Agriculture - Costs: $400.56
(Senate version - $738.17)

Commerce/Justice/Science - Costs: $533.32
(Senate version - $535.8

Defense - Costs: $4,625.93

Energy & Water - Costs: $320.01
(Senate version - $323.32)

Financial Services - Costs: $419.22

Homeland Security - Costs: $384.19
(Senate version - $385.77)

Interior & Environment - Costs: $279.00
(Senate version - $277.32)

Labor/HHS/Education - Costs: $5,861.36
(Senate version - $5,890.22)

Legislative Branch - Costs: $33.47
(Senate version - $29.81)

Military/Veterans - Costs: $935.14
(Senate version - $940.45)

State/Foreign Operations - Costs: $329.34

Transportation/HUD - Costs: $1,119.11
(Senate version - $1,120.1

Featured Items
The Defense Appropriations bill and Labor/HHS/Education bill are two of the largest spending bills Congress will consider. Between them, they spend over $10,000 for every family in the United States.

The bills represent very different activities of the federal government, and their supporters and opponents likely have very different priorities and world views. The two bills compete with one another for use of American taxpayer dollars.

H.R. 3222
The Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2008
Costs $4,625.93 per family

H.R. 3043
The Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2008
Costs $5,861.36 per family

What People Think

H.R. 3222
36% For, 64% Against

H.R. 3043
33% For, 67% Against

Displayed below are new, updated, and passed items with their cost or savings per family.

New Items

S. 1183
The Christopher and Dana Reeve Paralysis Act
Costs $0.81 per family

H.R. 2761
The Terrorism Risk Insurance Revision and Extension Act of 2007
Costs $88.19 per family

H.R. 3002
The Native American Economic Development and Infrastructure for Housing Act of 2007
Costs $0.12 per family

H.R. 1413
To direct the Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security (Transportation Security Administration) to address vulnerabilities in aviation security by carrying out a pilot program to screen airport workers with access to secure and sterile areas of airports
Costs $0.10 per family

P.L. 110-50
The Department of State Crisis Response Act of 2007
Costs $0.03 per family

S. 1203
The Department of Energy Electricity Programs Enhancement Act of 2007
Costs $0.09 per family

H.R. 2881
The FAA Reauthorization Act of 2007
Costs $456.65 per family

S. 1769
The Same Number Act of 2007
Costs $0.05 per family

H.R. 1908
The Patent Reform Act of 2007
Costs $8.35 per family

H.R. 2830
The Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2007
Costs $68.73 per family

S. 1923
An original bill to authorize appropriations for assistance for the Housing Assistance Council, the Raza Development Fund, and for the Housing Partnership Network (HPN) and its members, and for other purposes
Costs $0.69 per family

S. 1315
The Disabled Veterans Insurance Improvement Act of 2007
Costs $8.34 per family

S. 1677
The Currency Reform and Financial Markets Access Act of 2007
Costs $0.54 per family

S. 1492
The Broadband Data Improvement Act
Costs $1.75 per family

H.R. 3068
The Federal Protective Service Guard Contracting Reform Act of 2007
Costs $0.00 per family

S. 1778
The Maritime Administration Authorities Act of 2007
Costs $1.36 per family

H.R. 1717
To amend the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to establish a National Bio and Agro-defense Facility
Costs $0.00 per family

S. 1233
The Veterans Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation Act of 2007
Costs $91.63 per family

H.R. 3246
The Regional Economic and Infrastructure Development Act of 2007
Costs $5.44 per family

S. 595
The Toxic Right-to-Know Protection Act
Costs $0.00 per family

S. 1498
The Captive Primate Safety Act
Costs $0.15 per family

H.R. 1254
The Presidential Library Donation Reform Act of 2007
Costs $0.15 per family

Updated Items

H.R. 1851
The Section 8 Voucher Reform Act of 2007
Costs $20.96 per family

H.R. 976
The Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2007
Costs $1,523.00 per family

H.R. 760
The Filipino Veterans Equity Act of 2007
Costs $15.19 per family