This CONSERVATIVE ALERT is a special message from:

Stop Liberals From Killing Conservative Talk Radio -- Select Below to Tell Congress to Support Free Speech Rights Against "Hush Rush" Bill:

ALERT: Sensing that their days may be numbered, activists on the far left are starting to take advantage of the Democrats' takeover of Congress, and they're ready to do "whatever it takes" to set their gains in stone by passing new laws to KILL CONSERVATIVE TALK RADIO.

The "Fairness Doctrine" -- a federal regulation requiring broadcasters to present both sides of any "controversial" issue -- was enforced by the Federal Communications Commission from 1949 to 1987. The FCC adopted it as a regulation, but it was never a law enacted by Congress.

When the rule was in place, radio and TV stations could face hefty fines if their stations aired controversial statements on public affairs without providing "equal time" to opposing viewpoints. The result was self-censorship by broadcasters who avoided politics to escape any potential government retaliation.

When this rule was dropped in 1987, it led directly to the rise of conservative talk radio that enabled average citizens to have their voices heard across America. If it weren't for the Reagan administration dropping the "Fairness Doctrine," we would never have heard of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glen Beck, Michael Savage, Martha Zoller, Neal Boortz, Janet Folger, or the hundreds of other conservative talk radio hosts that dot the land and expose the lies and misdeeds of the Left.

And that is why the Left wants to bring back the "Fairness Doctrine" -- this time, as a LAW. But bringing back the Fairness Doctrine today would amount to government control over political views expressed on the public airways.

Democrats from Speaker Nancy Pelosi to Senators Dick Durbin and John Kerry have called for the return of this kind of regulation to the airwaves of America, but thanks to the support of millions of freedom-loving Americans, we were able to mostly close the front door to this government censorship.

So now they are trying to sneak through the back door with regulations known as "broadcast localism." These regulations are just a Trojan Horse for unelected bureaucrats in Washington to determine what YOU can or cannot listen to.

In a time when we are witnessing an unprecedented intrusion of the federal government into various sectors, the last thing we need is a government takeover of America's airwaves. It's not what the American People want, and it's not something that Congress should allow.

We CAN stop them -- and we have a chance to do that, TODAY!

TAKE ACTION: Any effort now to codify the old doctrine into law would reverse 20 years of free speech rights enjoyed by patriotic conservative Americans. But that's exactly what the Left wants to do -- unless WE are able to stop them.

Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN) has introduced the "Broadcaster Freedom Act," which would not only block the return of the regulation, but also legally prohibit the FCC or any future president from reinstating it. We need to let every Member of Congress know we SUPPORT broadcaster freedom, and OPPOSE the return of the Fairness Doctrine -- and we need to MAKE SURE they hear us!

Although Pence was able to get an amendment to the Financial Services Appropriations bill passed in 2007, prohibiting any funding to the FCC for the enforcement of the Fairness Doctrine should it be resurrected, that was only a one-year moratorium on funding. We need to ensure a long-term solution to the problem by passing the "Broadcaster Freedom Act."

Until we can make that happen, Rep. Pence and Rep. Greg Walden (R-OR) are trying once again to get Broadcaster Freedom added as an amendment to the Financial Services budget bill -- TODAY. This would prevent the FCC from reinstating the so-called "Fairness Doctrine" or proposed broadcast localism regulations during the next fiscal year.

There is nothing fair about the "Fairness Doctrine." But unless we DEMAND an up-or-down vote on the Broadcaster Freedom Amendment, Nancy Pelosi isn't going to allow this amendment to see the light of day.

Send a FREE message to YOUR Representative right now, demanding that he or she tell Speaker Pelosi to allow a full, fair up-or-down vote on the Broadcaster Freedom Amendment:

Don't let them shut down conservative talk radio!


William Greene, President

Conservative Alerts: