October 10, 2009

ELECTION DAY is Saturday, October 10, 2009 10am – 4 pm (in your time zone)

WELCOME to all who wish to vote in the CC2009 Delegate Election!
To be eligible to vote in the CC2009 Election, you must affirm, under penalty of perjury, on your Registration Form that you:
• are 18 years of age or older on October 10, 2009
• are a citizen of the United States of America
• currently reside in one of the 50 states or the District of Columbia
• support The Declaration of Independence, The U.S. Constitution, and
the purpose of the Continental Congress 2009 which is: To end and
reverse the violations to The Constitution of The United States of
America and to restore constitutional governance.
• are casting ONLY ONE ballot in the CC2009 election
• have not altered the official State Ballot except to mark it as instructed
There are FOUR Voting Options:
Option A: In-Person Voting at a CC2009 Voting Center on Oct. 10, 2009
Option B: Mail-In Voting (Ballot & Registration postmarked by Oct. 10, 2009)
Option C: Out-of-Country Military or Homebound Voting
Option D: Disabled Voting
FIRST, before selecting your Voting Option, check here to find out which
option of voting is being offered in your state (or in the District of Columbia).

Some states have no Voting Centers and are offering Mail-In Voting only. Some states have Voting Centers and are also offering Mail-In Voting. So, first find out what has been set up in your state. Then, select the Voting Option that best serves you.

SECOND, Ballots will be counted and Election Results posted for each state as per the following schedule:
• On October 10, 2009: Ballots cast In-Person at Voting Centers will
be publicly counted and their totals publicly posted at each Voting
Center and on the CC2009 website.
• On October 17, 2009: Mail-in Ballots will be retrieved from the
various CC2009 post office boxes in the various states and in Austin,
TX and will be publicly counted at all designated CC2009 Counting
Centers. Mail-In Ballot totals will be publicly posted at each Counting
Center and on the CC2009 website. Also posted on the CC2009
website will be the FINAL CC2009 Delegate Election Results that
combine the Voting Center totals and the Mail-In Ballot totals.
If you are going to a CC2009 Voting Center, know that you will be participating in a constitutionally-valid election process using hand-counted paper ballots. You have a right to see your vote and know that your vote was counted!
1. Go to the CC2009 Voting Center between 10am and 4pm (in your time zone)
2. The Voting Center Volunteers will show you what to do!
3. You are welcome to stay past 4pm and observe the hand counting of the ballots and posting of final results.
Please Note: There are TWO options available to your State Coordinator in
regards to where the voters should send their Registration Forms and Ballots:
a) a location in your state, or b) the CC2009 Election Headquarters in Austin, TX.
1. Go to your state’s webpage on the website of the Continental
Congress 2009 at www.cc2009.us
2. Click on the link to “CC2009: Election Ballot and Voting Instructionsâ€