See: Meghan McCain Slams Ann Coulter Hard

Well, seems that our little dear Megan, daughter of open borders Senator McCain, is out to trash freedom loving conservatives rather than her dad who ignores his oath of office to preserve and protect our Constitution and the intentions and beliefs under which it was adopted.

My little dear, please enlighten us all as to what part of our Constitution’s First Amendment do you and your dad not understand?

Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press …

We really need to hear your feelings about your dads desire to silence political speech under his McCain-Feingold Campaign Reform Act of 2002 more appropriately titled the “Incumbent Protection Act of 2002“.

And, if Senator McCain is really pro life as he claims, then why did he make an attempt to deal a lethal blow to various right-to-life groups who may want to run a TV ad prior to an election giving the voting record of particular candidates with regard to their right to life votes?
Truth is , Sen. McCain is a Washington Establishment team player, interested in preserving the Washington Establishment’s political plum job empire rather than protecting one of our most fundamental rights offered by our Constitution___ freedom of political speech.

Tell us Meghan, what part of “shall make no lawâ€