I found this on another website and needed to share it with you all here. I hope the author does not mind.

A Declaration of Restoration
/July 4th 2009/

When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for a people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with a governing body they have created, which has turned tyrannical and detrimental to the peace and safety, and the very existence of the nation of the People who established the governing body, and to return to a previously established form of self governing under the Laws of Nature and Natures God as entitled therein, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to alter and or abolish the destructive form of government.

From the inception of this nation, We the People have held the self-evident truth of the creation of the universe, this world, and the Peoples upon it. It has been our unwavering belief that our Creator has endowed all People with certain unalienable rights, including, but not limited to, life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness. Our forefathers attempted to establish this fact and create a governing body to ensure these rights in this nation. However, as time progressed we became neglectful in overseeing this governing body, and it has abused and extended powers to itself never intended. Our governing body has now taken upon itself the position of rulers rather than servants, and is usurping authority beyond control. We now deem this political body to be tyrannical at every level and completely devoid of control or correction. This fact is evidenced by the following documented proof;

Whereas, known and recorded in history and beyond denial, the governing body, now a corporation known as the United States Government, has deceived the People of this nation in ways that can only be described as treasonous. Bribery, lies and deceit have become the norm. Politicians take offices for the purpose of fulfilling self-interests of money and power rather than servitude.

Whereas, our voices are not able to be heard in the voting process as the governing body has elected for themselves to use controllable electronic voting systems which disallow the voters to know with any certainty of the correct count of their votes.

Whereas, the governing body has caused to be placed as candidate for President, a man not qualified under the clearly set forth Constitutional guidelines for that Office, and has, through major media manipulation and voting count manipulation of the electronic voting machines, caused this person to appear to have been elected for the Office of President of the United States of America, thereby usurping the Office for their own personal gain and control of the nation.

Whereas, the governing body has defrauded the People of their labor and property in so many ways that it is impossible to define all these schemes in less than a written volume containing a minimum of millions of pages. However, the following list describes a few of the major treacherous actions taken against the People and this nation;

1. The creation of the Federal Reserve Bank and the granting of power to it to control the monetary system thereby allowing a foreign banking cartel to manipulate commerce, trade, and general business in any and every way they deem profitable to themselves, and to the detriment of the People.
2. The creation of the Internal Revenue Service which is used to defraud the People through unconstitutional taxation, forcibly imposed on them at gunpoint, stripping the People of monetary and physical property at will without proper trial in accordance with the laws set forth in the Constitution.
3. The creation of laws, legislations, judgments, powers, and unauthorized Constitutional amendments designed to benefit the governing body, without consent of the People, in direct violation of the Constitution and the principles set forth within it.
4. The concealment of financial records reflecting the true status of the budgets of the many divisions of the government. Specifically, the People are shown a “Budget Reportâ€