Obama spoke at Notre Dame University this May 17, 2009.
Just wondering:

1. Notre Dame University application form: Does an applicant have to provide a birth certificate?

2. Can an applicant provide a so-called short form birth certificate, or must the applicant provide a long form birth certificate, one that has the names of the birth doctor and birth hospital on it?

3. Specifically, when a person born in Hawaii applies to Notre Dame, can the person merely supply a short form birth certificate like the type that Obama people have shown us on the internet constraining Obama?

4. Or, must the applicant born in Hawaii provide a long form birth certificate?

5. High School Student Obama: Let's imagine that Obama is in his junior or senior year in high school back in Hawaii and he applies to Notre Dame.

6. Does he have to provide a birth certificate?

7. If Obama must provide a birth certificate, must he provide a long form certificate, the one with names of his birth doctor and his birth hospital on it?

8. Or, will Notre Dame accept the short form Obama birth certificate that we see on the Internet?