Destroying the Constitution – but a “Good Guy”?

By Allan Erickson / 2 September 2012 / 9 Comments

Some people insist Barack Obama is a good guy with a good heart. They say his only reason for seeking re-election is the good impulse to serve the best interests of the people and defend the defenseless. Do his words match his actions? Do his policies deliver the good outcomes he promised?
First, and foremost, let’s look at his attitude toward our most basic God-given right, the right to life.
Barack Obama is on record voting consistently in support of partial birth abortion and induced abortion infanticide. How can a caring person vote over and over for late-term abortion, and partial birth abortion, even going so far as to vote in favor of killing children that survive abortion outside the womb.
They call it infanticide, a sanitized word for murder. By his actions he has provided increased funding for abortionists, a sanitized term for murderers. One of his first executive orders allowed your tax dollars to fund abortion overseas. Via healthcare “reform’” he now digs further into your pocket to finance murder of little babies, a central tenet of his ideology.
This is a good guy? These are good outcomes? This is defending the defenseless?
If he denies the right to life for the most defenseless among us, what makes you think he will defend your right to life?
How about old folks?
It cannot be denied Barack Obama cut Medicare to fund ObamaCare. It is clear his “reform” system deprives treatment for seniors deemed too old to justify the expense. He has done nothing to save Medicare or Social Security. It is clear his ideology makes second class citizens of seniors. If anybody is pushing Granny off a cliff, it’s Barack Obama.
This is a good guy? This is a good hearted man defending the defenseless?
His tax and spend and steal-from-one-to-give-to-another ideology is destroying the middle class and the hopes of college graduates. Half of them can’t find work. Obamanomics has successfully created crushing and rapidly growing debt that kills any chance of prosperity for our kids and grandkids. Instead of listening to his advisors and his party leaders and changing course to help people, he plays golf, campaigns, takes expensive trips, and sends his wife on even more expensive trips.
This is a good guy? This is a guy that cares?
Worse still, his horrendous economic policies coupled with drastic cuts in defense put us all at risk, especially our military volunteers.
Barack Obama encourages our enemies, insults and humiliates our allies, and then expects us to cheer him when he shows up to reassure us a vote for him is a vote for security.
His policy in Afghanistan—-disarming our soldiers when training Afghan personnel—resulted in at least 100 of our men being murdered by those very trainees. Many more have been wounded. Telegraphing our surrender by naming a pullout date encouraged Taliban and al Qaeda terrorists to escalate, resulting in even more American deaths. Afghanistan, where there was once the promise of freedom, has become little more than a killing ground spiraling downward into chaos.
This is a good commander making wise decisions in theater?
Barack Obama is actively engaged in prosecuting a Navy Seal for writing a book, actively engaged in trying to prevent our military from voting, actively engaged in trying to reduce military health benefits, and actively engaged in leaking classified intelligence to make himself look good during the campaign, even if it means putting our people in serious, unnecessary danger.
Barack Obama takes credit for killing Osama bin Laden every chance he gets, even though he had nothing to do with it, first refusing to give the order, then passing off responsibility to an admiral so that if it went badly, he’d have someone to blame.
Time and again he has said, in word and deed, America should be ashamed of our leadership position in the world, we have dictated to others, and we should therefore take a back seat to the U.N. Time and again he has thrown Israel under the bus, bowed to thugs and dictators, and claimed love of country, all in the same breath. It would appear his crowning achievement is lying through his teeth then convincing people he is Honest Abe.
It’s obvious that Barack Obama is anti-military. He neglects our security because he is against America remaining a super power in the world. This too is part of his ideology.
And this is a good guy? These are good outcomes? This is defending the defenseless?
He talks about religious liberty, then works to destroy it by forcing people to pay for abortion and birth control whether they like it or not.
He talks about protecting and defending the Constitution (the oath he took with his fingers crossed behind his back) then subverts it at every turn. Examples of his complete disregard for the rule of law and the Constitution:
-Engages war in Libya by circumventing Congress altogether
-Uses the most corrupt, underhanded and devious means possible, ramming ObamaCare against the will of the majority
-”Reforms” welfare law by reducing the work requirements WITHOUT consulting or involving Congress
-Covert use of drones in other lands, including our own, with no authorization, engaging indiscriminate killing
-Uses the EPA to install Cap ‘n Trade when Congress would not
-Directs DOJ to ignore the penalty phase after the conviction of Black Panthers intimidating voters in 2008
-Refuses to defend standing law, his sworn duty as Chief Executive according to the Constitution
-Promotes indefinite detention without filing charges
-Sues states that have every right to secure their borders and manage voter eligibility
-Uses stimulus money to reward political allies and operatives, engaging in blatant and corrupt cronyism
-Threatens and intimidates the Supreme Court whenever he senses they might rule against him
-Demands an oil company put up $20 billion in reparations without a court ruling or legislative action, even before anyone had a chance to determine responsibility for the Gulf Oil spill
-Funds and conspires with public employee unions to command electoral outcomes against the will of the majority
-Destroys our ally in Egypt allowing the Muslim Brotherhood to set up shop, destabilizing the entire region
This is a good man with good intentions? This is a man whose words and deeds line up? This is an honest, law-abiding individual who only wants to serve the public interest and defend the defenseless?
It has taken years for people to start looking beyond the bright smile and the glittering words. It has taken years for them to start evaluating the man by watching his actual behavior and seeing the terrible results of his policies.
The majority now understands he cares more about his ideology than he does about them, that he will say and do anything to hold on to power, only to glorify himself.
And this is the essential reason he will lose in November.

Destroying the Constitution – but a “Good Guy”?