DHS Video Portrays Average Americans As Terrorists

Owning gold or firearms, donating to charity, finding out information about things all constitute suspicious activity to be reported to the authorities

Paul Joseph Watson
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

A new video produced in association with the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI and narrated by former Denver Broncos quarterback John Elway urges people to report suspicious activity that could constitute terrorism, behavior that includes buying gold, owning guns, using a watch or binoculars, donating to charity, and all manner of mundane things.

The eight minute video was produced by the Colorado-based Center for Empowered Living and Learning (CELL) in conjunction with the International Association of Chiefs of Police conference to promote CELL’s $7 million dollar exhibit http://blogs.westword.com/latestword/20 ... g_terr.php entitled “Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere: Understanding the Threat of Terrorism,â€