Gosh, if a black and white get together, this could lead to racial harmony. How disgusting. Can't let this happen because where will this lead the NAACP to and those who consistently shout racism and discrimination.

Alleged Racial Healer Sharpton Alarmed by Potential Reconciliation Between Gates and Crowley

This from a man of the cloth, no less.

That Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. and Cambridge, Mass., police sergeant James Crowley may attend a baseball game together has the Rev. Al Sharpton concerned.

Sharpton had this to say on his radio show on Monday while talking with Gates' lawyer Charles Ogletree, who also teaches at Harvard (click here for audio) --

SHARPTON: Let me start out by asking you, where, what is the status with Dr. Gates? You're his lawyer. Some people feel like we've made enough conciliations. I'm reading now he's talking about going to the ballgame with Sgt. Crowley. I need not tell you, some of us are saying that, wait a minute, enough is enough. What's going on here?

http://newsbusters.org/blogs/jack-colem ... ion-betwee