I absoluty NO NOT support legalization of any drug. But I do support decriminalization. I will give my reasons. The how it works will take a long time and a lot of conversation.

1. Real education.
2. Stops illicit activities.
3. Takes the money and glorification away.
4. Stops the Drug War violence on civilians, gangs and borders.
5. Stops the mandatory incarceration of passive users.
6. Stops kids from pushing to kids.
7. Add your own reasons.

1. Stops support of gangs and cartels.
2. Stops Gov. and law War enforcement tax's.
3. Provide jail space for violent criminals.
4. Provide tax revenues instead of expenditures.
5. Frees up to 50% of DEA and law now involved with drug WAR.
6. Add your reasons.

Legalizing would open the door for abuse like we now have with alcohol and tobacco glorification and allurement advertising.

Decriminalization would allow safe guards for education and addiction support sending a social message of none condoning and health dangers warnings.

Will this change promote, diminish or stay about the same in social use perception is the question. The obvious advantage is to stop the War insanity. Change is inevitable and happening now. What is the direction we should take is the question.