Eco Nazis, 10:10 campaign

Eco-Fascists in England Want You Dead Unless You Agree With Them

By Warner Todd Huston
Saturday, October 2, 2010

There is an eco-nazi effort going on in England called the 10:10 Campaign and in a video meant to encourage people to join the green effort people that disagree with the eco-nazis are murdered for their skepticism. Apparently murdering those that disagree with you is supposed to be funny.

British Eco-Fascism

October 01, 2010

Dear Brittany, did you know your tax money went to pay for this disgusting, hateful, fascist eco-nonsense? So, if you don't believe in Globaloney you should be murdered in the messiest of manners? Yep, that's the Nazis on the left I know, for sure. If you don't agree with them, why you should be "re-educated" or killed.
In a Telegraph article, James Delingpole says, “Eco-fascism jumps the shark.â€