EIGHT traitors MUST be voted out of office in 2010

Thank Benedict Arnold RINO snakes for Cap and Trade

By Jerry McConnell Sunday, June 28, 2009

After Friday’s (6/26/9) betrayal of normal, everyday run of the mill American citizens by Obama and his uber-henchmen also known as Congressional liberal Democrats, sprinkled with the small assortment of RINO Republicans on the disastrous energy bill and its absolute massive tax increases in the form of significantly higher costs for electricity and petroleum products, another group of similar traitors who would help Obama bring total ruin to our county convened to plan the passage of yet another falsely named immigration reform bill to make existing current illegal aliens, legal citizens of the United States.

There are times when I am just unequivocally shocked by the constant drive by so many elected officials who promised to uphold the Constitution when they were elected and are now enacting legislation that ignores that document, just as Obama has ignored it by occupying illegally the office of our presidency and refusing to show proof that he is entitled to serve.

What ever happened to the vows that were for “God and Countryâ€