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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Extended 'grid down' survival scenario about to be unleashed across Eastern seaboard

    Extended 'grid down' survival scenario about to be unleashed across Eastern seaboard as storm of the century approaches

    (NaturalNews) Millions of U.S. residents along the Eastern seaboard are expected to experience a "grid down" survival scenario beginning as early as Monday night. The "Frankenstorm" Hurricane Sandy is a convergence of multiple weather events rarely seen in human history. Most people living in the region have never seen a storm like this in their lifetime.

    According to, the storm brings together five weather events:

    • A Northbound hurricane
    • A winter storm front
    • A blast of Arctic air from the North
    • High tides that worsen flooding
    • Combination of high winds and heavy snow

    It is that last item which really brings home the reality of the situation. High winds and heavy snow mean downed power lines everywhere. And unlike previous storms you've seen where the power outages were localized and short-lived, in this scenario the damage is so geographically widespread that power line crews won't be available to help neighboring regions. Everyone will be completely occupied trying to restore power in their own cities and towns.

    This means the duration of the power outages will be much longer than usual. It is almost certain that millions of people will be without power due to the storm, but what many people don't fully realize is that these power outages could last for weeks.

    That's why a article also warns "Expect near freezing temperatures with no power" and "be prepared for extended period without power."

    Make sure you read my Hurricane Sandy preparedness checklist if you're wanting to know what to acquire before the storm hits.

    Living without power

    Most Americans have simply never lived without power for any extended period of time. No power means:

    • No internet (OMG!)
    • No TV (gasp!)
    • No recharging cell phones.
    • No hot showers.
    • No laundry machines.
    • No dishwashers.
    • No heating of your home.
    • No lights.
    • No toasters or ovens.
    • No computers.
    • No radios unless you have a wind-up radio or spare batteries.

    The widespread loss of power and extreme weather conditions will also mean, for some period of time:

    • No police response services
    • No fire response
    • No ambulances

    This means many people will simply be on their own during the worst part of this crisis. In a scenario like this, dialing 911 is a useless and almost delusional act.

    In addition to all this, New York City has announced it will close the subway system. Delivery companies have announced they will halt operations. Schools will be closed and much of modern society will grind to a halt during the storm. Much of the U.S. eastern seaboard is going to be thrust back into something resembling the 1800's, but without the common sense and practical skills of the 1800's.

    FEMA will be called in to "help"

    Have no doubt that FEMA will be called in from the very beginning, billed as a "government rescue" of all the people who failed to prepare. Remarkably, even though this storm has been identified many days ahead of time, there will still be people who fail to prepare for it, and some of them will simply die. (Yes, there will almost certainly be fatalities.)

    Others will be caught in desperate situations and need to be bailed out by the government, via FEMA actions. Expect to see rapid distribution of food and blankets to residents in need -- residents who were just too short-sighted to take precautions ahead of time like everybody else.

    You're also going to see medical emergencies galore. The stress of the situation alone will probably cause numerous heart attacks and strokes. Expect to see some car wrecks in the early hours as people try to rush home once the winds start howling. We're also bound to see smoke inhalation victims thanks to a few people burning down their own homes trying to use propane burners (or masses of candles) as an indoor source of heat.

    Rest assured that you do not want to put yourself in a situation where you depend on FEMA to rescue you. Such a predicament could be a death sentence. Remember FEMA's disastrous response to Hurricane Katrina?

    On looting and cold temperatures

    Here's one good thing about all this: Freezing temperatures discouraging looting.

    There are two types of looters: Materialistic (just looking for stuff to steal and sell on eBay) and desperate (need food to survive).

    Materialistic looters are, essentially, lazy-minded people. They want to acquire stuff without working for it. But they're also not hard-core determined people who are willing to brave freezing temperatures and bad weather. Most looting, historically speaking, happens during HOT weather.

    Desperate "survival" looters are not likely to be encountered in this storm, at least not in large numbers. The rise of desperate survival looters would likely require weeks without food and electricity, and I don't anticipate that scenario unfolding here unless something goes terrible wrong with the recovery response.

    So I think we're going to be relatively well off on the looting question, generally speaking. In my assessment, the most likely threats to physical safety during the storm are going to be the freezing temperatures and lack of food or water.

    Hurricane Sandy is a survival drill for the unprepared masses

    One thing I LIKE about this bizarre weather event is that it's serving as a relatively gentle survival drill for the masses. This hurricane and its wrath are nothing compared to what we could be facing in other, far worse scenarios such as:

    • Detonation of a high-altitude nuclear weapon that unleashes an EMP wave which destroys the power grid.

    • Power grid failures leading to nuclear meltdowns among North American power plants.

    • A nuclear attack by a rogue nation such as North Korea.

    • A massive solar flare that wipes out the U.S. power grid.

    • A civil war or some sort of massive social unrest across the USA.

    • A large rock from space crashing into the planet, unleashing a global mega tidal wave over a thousand feet high.

    • The unleashing of the massive Yellowstone caldera (volcano) which would block sunlight for 1-2 years and crash the global food supply.

    • A global agricultural catastrophe set off by GMO pollution causing an unforeseen food crop failure.

    • The unleashing of a viral bioweapon designed to kill 90 percent of the global population.

    These scenarios are far worse than anything this Frankenstorm hurricane could bring our way, and yet most people aren't even prepared for a hurricane. It makes you wonder just how many people would make it through a serious, long-term power grid failure. I think that number is only about 10 percent of the current population.

    That's an alarming thought, considering that a super-charged solar flare strikes our planet every century or so. That event, which could happen without warning, would bring modern civilization to its knees and very likely unleash a wave of global nuclear meltdowns as well (because all the nuclear reactor cooling pumps and backup generators would be fried).

    It kind of puts Hurricane Sandy into perspective, doesn't it?

    Trust me, this hurricane superstorm is nothing compared to what we're going to be facing in the future. Let this storm be a reminder, however, that we must always stay prepared for the unexpected.

    About the author: Mike Adams is an award-winning journalist and holistic nutritionist with a passion for sharing empowering information to help improve personal and planetary health He has authored more than 1,800 articles and dozens of reports, guides and interviews on natural health topics, and he has published numerous courses on preparedness and survival, including financial preparedness, emergency food supplies, urban survival and tactical self-defense. Adams is a trusted, independent journalist who receives no money or promotional fees whatsoever to write about other companies' products. In 2010, Adams created, a natural living video sharing site featuring thousands of user videos on foods, fitness, green living and more. He also launched an online retailer of environmentally-friendly products ( and uses a portion of its profits to help fund non-profit endeavors. He's also the founder of a well known HTML email software company whose 'Email Marketing Director' software currently runs the NaturalNews subscription database. Adams volunteers his time to serve as the executive director of the Consumer Wellness Center, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, and regularly pursues cycling, nature photography, Capoeira and Pilates. Known by his callsign, the 'Health Ranger,' Adams posts his missions statements, health statistics and health photos at

    Learn more: Extended 'grid down' survival scenario about to be unleashed across Eastern seaboard as storm of the century approaches

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Emergency preparedness checklist for perfect storm Hurricane Sandy - Here's what you need to get NOW

    (NaturalNews) Called a "monster storm," Hurricane Sandy is much more than a hurricane. It's a hybrid monster storm system that weather experts are now warning could cause $1 billion in damage when it strikes the U.S. eastern seaboard early Tuesday morning.

    If you're living anywhere near Philadelphia, Boston, Delaware or surrounding states, you have a very limited window of opportunity to get ready with everything you'll need to ride out this storm. That's the purpose of this article: To give you an emergency preparedness checklist for surviving this "monster storm."

    Even if you don't leave nearby, this storm can serve as an important reminder: We must ALL be prepared for unexpected events, or we can easily be caught empty-handed.

    A long-lasting event: 2-3 days of being hammered by Mother Nature

    Hurricane Sandy is not some simple hurricane that blows through in one night and then is over. "It's going to be a long-lasting event, two to three days of impact for a lot of people," said James Franklin of the National Hurricane Center in Miami. "Wind damage, widespread power outages, heavy rainfall, inland flooding and somebody is going to get a significant surge event."

    Given that it usually takes another 2-3 days for cleaning up city streets after a massive snowfall event, this means the following:

    !! You need to have a 6-day food and water supply ready right now! !!

    That's 3 days for the storm and 3 days for cleanup. And that's if nothing else goes terribly wrong. In a worst case scenario, this could extend to 7 - 10 days in some of the harder-hit areas.

    Local grocery stores are already sold out of essential items

    Anthony Gucciardi of lives in the area expected to be hit by this super storm. Here's his firsthand report from earlier today:

    Major grocery stores in the area have completely sold out of essential items like batteries, bottled water, and even highly processed snack foods that do not require preparation or refrigeration. I personally went to purchase a few minor items for my preparedness kit from a local grocery outlet that is quite large and witnessed completely empty shelves within the aisle that generally contains large amounts of water bottles along with gallon jugs, and various glass sparkling water bottles. The aisle that houses the batteries (particularly the heavy duty kind used for most flashlights) was also almost entirely dry. When shopping I also saw several individuals with the government-approved 'survival' checklist, striking off the items one by one as they acquired them.

    Last year's hurricane Irene prompted somewhat of a response from locals within the Philadelphia and New York City area in regards to preparation and concern, but this hurricane has generated one that is far more severe. It is conservative to say that by the end of this weekend going into the storm (assuming it does hit as predicted), most if not all local stores will be out of most essential and even non-essential items. And this is just a few days after the news of the storm hit the mainstream media.

    See my complete preparedness checklist, below...

    Staying warm

    Another huge concern with all this is the possibility that the power may be out. As temperatures drop, this could put many people in the position of having to endure very cold indoor temperatures. This lacking of heating could endure for many days, even as long as two weeks in some areas.

    The best defense against the cold is, of course, to have good shelter (a roof over your head), warm clothing and extra sleeping bags for all family members.

    Do NOT plan on using propane heaters indoors as these are a health hazard and a fire hazard when used indoors. Same story with candles.

    Water: Do you have enough?

    Imagine a week without tap water. Now you're starting to get the picture of what may be coming.

    If this storm hits as promised, you're going to be living in third-world conditions for about a week. Most Americans have never lived in a third-world country like I have, so they've never really tried to live without running water, electricity, grocery stores, and so on. (It's no fun, believe me. Nothing like a cold sponge shower to wake you up in the morning, eh?)

    You'll need a MINIMUM of 2 gallons per day, per person, stored in your home or apartment. So if there are two of you living there, and you're planning for six days without running water, you will need 24 gallons of water stored, got it?

    How can you store that much water?

    • Fill your bathtub(s) with water.
    • Fill empty containers with water and set them aside: Milk jugs, soda bottles, jars, buckets, coolers, etc.
    • Buy water storage bags and fill them

    Make sure you have a home water filter that doesn't need water pressure to operate: A gravity filter or hand-pumped filter is best. I like the Katadyn brand for portable water filters.

    Is your immune system ready?

    If you think about the stresses put on you by a disaster scenario, many of them impact your health:

    • Sleep deprivation
    • Adrenal gland depletion
    • Stress-induced nutrient depletion
    • Stress from cold temperatures
    • Possible spread of infectious disease
    • Anxiety

    All of these can be prevented, in part, with immune-boosting nutrition. So this is a time when you really want to boost your intake of superfoods, immune-boosting herbs and nutritional supplements. You want to make sure your body is ready for the stresses and uncertainties it will soon be experiencing.

    Remember: Good nutrition will also help you think better, because food affects your brain function. The cleaner your diet, the clearer your thoughts, and the better decisions you'll make in a crisis.

    Staying physically safe

    Do you have a fire extinguisher? Fire trucks won't be able to get to your house during a storm, and indoor fires can rage out of control for hours or days before help arrives. So make sure you have at least one fully-charged fire extinguisher at the ready.

    What about physical safety? Do you have a way to defend yourself and your family in case looters start going door to door, demanding money, jewelry and anything else they want? Remember, if the power grid goes down, all the street lights will be off, too, plunging your city and neighborhood into darkness. Criminals love darkness. In their minds, that's time to "loot and pillage."

    Massachusetts is very much an anti-gun state, meaning only the citizens are disarmed, but not the criminals. When the police are too busy responding to other emergencies, the green light is on for armed criminals to go door to door, robbing (disarmed) citizens at gunpoint. This doesn't fly in Texas, where the average looter is met with a 12 gauge shotgun shoved in his face, but in Boston, it's a free-for-all for the criminals.

    Even if you don't own a gun (or can't legally own one), you can still have bear pepper spray -- a large-sized canister of pressurized pepper spray which will strongly dissuade bad guys from hanging around and bothering you. (Check your local laws, please.)

    Forget about calling 911. Virtually all emergency services will be tied up dealing with other emergencies. Just because YOU have an emergency doesn't mean it's THEIR emergency. By law, fire, police and ambulance services are under no legal obligation whatsoever to respond to your call. Think about that as you plan for preparedness.

    For me personally, I don't call 911 and wait to die. Instead, I call on Mr. Benelli. If you don't know what "Mr. Benelli" means, here's a picture that explains why Mr. Benelli instantly stops all looters:
    Benelli Shotguns | Benelli M4

    Hurricane Sandy "monster storm" survival checklist by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

    I've taught preparedness to tens of thousands of people, so I know this subject very well. Here's my preparedness checklist, and then below it I link to some of my preparedness courses and solutions if you're interested in those:

    • Minimum 6 days of stored food.
    • A way to safely boil water so you can prepare food.
    • Non-electric can openers.
    • Minimum 6 days of stored water.
    • Portable water filter.
    • Full fuel tanks in all your vehicles.
    • Gasoline and cords for your generator (if you have one).
    • Sleeping bags for all family members.
    • Flashlights and batteries.
    • Minimum 6-day supply of any prescription meds.
    • Colloidal silver and other emergency medicine items.
    • Cell phones full charged, with spare batteries.
    • Minimum one large fully-charged fire extinguisher.
    • Plenty of clean laundry with warm socks, undies and heavy clothing.
    • Backup power source: large 12V marine (deep cycle) battery with an inverter to charge cell phones and laptops.
    • Sponges for cleaning things when there's no power.
    • Cleaning agents: Hand soap, dish soap and bleach.
    • Immune boosting herbal tinctures and supplements.
    • Topical first aid supplies: Antiseptics, bandages, etc.
    • Personal hygiene items, including toilet paper.
    • Emergency multi-purpose knife.
    • Matches, lighters and fire starting devices.
    • Activities to pass the time when there's no TV: books, cards, games, etc.
    • Copies of your important paperwork and identification documents.
    • Two-way radios for you and your family members to communicate.
    • Wind-up weather radio so you can tune in to government broadcasts.
    • CB broadcasting radio so you can call for help if the cell towers are down.
    • Nuclear preparedness: Do you have potassium iodide pills?
    • Hiding stuff: Do you have good hiding places in your home in case criminals break in and overpower you?
    • Pet preparedness: Do you have enough food and water for your animals?
    • Go bag: Do you have a "bug out bag" ready in case you have to evacuate?
    • Hiking gear: What happens if you have to leave on foot?
    - Cold weather hiking shoes
    - Rugged backpack
    - A good hat to protect you from the elements
    - Local map and compass
    - Water carrying containers (and a way to carry them)
    - Portable food
    - Weather-proof writing notepad
    - Flashlights
    - Identification
    - Portable self defense items

    • Security plans for your neighborhood or building: How will you defend against looters?
    • Physical barriers to block doors and windows: Are your windows locked?
    • Tripwire alert devices and motion alert devices (see course, below).
    • Self defense items to defend against possible looters:
    - If firearms, double check your ammo, firearm lubrication and sights.
    - Have a challenge / response code word with your family members so that you can identify each other in the dark. For example, if you say "Flash" they should say "Thunder" in response.
    - Drill all safety procedures in the home. Children should know in advance where a "safe hiding place" is located.
    - Emergency whistles for all children or senior citizens so they can call for help.

    Does this sound like a long preparedness list? It's nothing, actually, compared to what many preppers, patriots and survivalists have already accomplished. I'm not afraid to say publicly that my own personal preparedness plans have gone far beyond the list you see above. If a three-day hurricane struck my home right now, I would be completely prepared without even making a trip to the store for supplies.

    Emergency readiness products

    Here are the best products we've put together so far for emergency preparedness:

    IMPORTANT NOTE: Most delivery services are shut down Monday and Tuesday across the eastern seaboard, so if you are trying to order these products to have them delivered before Tuesday, that won't work. UPS, Fedex, and the U.S. Postal Service will all be shut down during the storm.

    • Sovereign Silver first aid gel
    • Sovereign Silver liquid hydrosol
    • 100% organic 40-day survival food supply
    • Enerhealth Herbal Medicine Cabinets: Basic | Intermediate | Advanced
    • Nascent Atomic Iodine
    • Zeotrex (zeolites)
    • Emergency ruggedized flashlights and other supplies

    Coming soon at the Natural News Store: Storable certified organic food (including chia seeds), chlorella, potassium iodide pills, water filters and more.

    Preparedness and survival courses

    By now, most Natural News readers are fully aware that I'm well versed in the realm of preparedness. In addition to having in-depth knowledge of herbal medicine and nutritional defenses, I have also been licensed to carry concealed handguns by four different U.S. states, and I've been fingerprinted, vetted and approved by the FBI and federal law enforcement agencies. I have trained with U.S. military personnel on hand-to-hand combat, I've trained on vehicle evasion and pursuit tactics with local law enforcement, and I have helped teach physical self defense to children, women and senior citizens.

    If you want to get a download of my best knowledge on food preparedness, self defense preparedness and emergency survival, here are the three most popular courses I've ever produced, and ALL of these are available for instant streaming from Natural News:

    Health Ranger LIVE: How to Protect and Defend Yourself

    Be Prepared, Not Scared - Food Security

    Surthrival with Daniel Vitalis and Mike Adams

    Stay safe, folks. Get prepared NOW, even if you're not in the path of this approaching storm.
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    About the author: Mike Adams is a natural health author and award-winning journalist with a passion for sharing empowering information to help improve personal and planetary health He has authored and published thousands of articles, interviews, consumers guides, and books on topics like health and the environment, and he has authored and published several downloadable personal preparedness courses including a downloadable course focused on safety and self defense. Adams is an honest, independent journalist and accepts no money or commissions on the third-party products he writes about or the companies he promotes. In 2010, Adams co-founded, a natural health video sharing site that has now grown in popularity. He also founded an environmentally-friendly online retailer called that uses retail profits to help support consumer advocacy programs. He's also the founder and CEO of a well known email mail merge software developer whose software, 'Email Marketing Director,' currently runs the NaturalNews email subscriptions. Adams also serves as the executive director of the Consumer Wellness Center, a non-profit consumer protection group, and regularly pursues cycling, nature photography, Capoeira and Pilates. Known as the 'Health Ranger,' Adams' personal health statistics and mission statements are located at

    Learn more: Emergency preparedness checklist for perfect storm Hurricane Sandy - Here's what you need to get NOW

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