Fifth Largest School District in US Plans to Teach 5-Year-Olds How to do THIS!

By Steve Straub On September 26, 2014 · 625 Comments · In Education

The Las Vegas school district is the 5th largest in the nation and recently they pitched a new sex education curriculum in a meeting with 50 parents. This new curriculum would include teaching 5 year old kids about masturbation.

As you might expect a lot of the parents in attendance were quite upset with what they were hearing.
From EAGNews:
“You want to teach my 5-year-old how to masturbate?” said parent Julie Butler, according to the paper.

“We certainly should not be teaching five-year-olds that masturbation and pleasuring one’s body is good and that a 12-year-old should know about the very details of anal and oral sex,” another parent said, reports KTNV.

According to Fox 5, parent Ronald Withaeger said to school board members, “‘Masturbation should be done in a private place.’ That’s kindergarten through third grade. You’ve got to be kidding me. There’s no need to know that at that age.”
A high school student told the board, “I think I went through about 20 pages and I couldn’t continue with it because some of the stuff was just too disturbing to me at the age that I am and I’m 17-years-old.”
The district will seek more input on this plan from parents during an advisory meeting in November.
What do you think about teaching sex education, including lessons on masturbation, to kindergartners?