Sun-Sentinel (Fort Lauderdale, Florida)
October 1, 2009 Thursday
Broward Metro Edition
GUILLERMO I. MARTINEZ COMMENTARY - Immigration and health care

The Obama administration cannot have it both ways.

President Barack Obama, members of his administration and congressional Democratic leaders assure us that the health reform legislation will not cover illegal or undocumented aliens. They have repeated this ad nauseam.

At the same time, many of these same government officials, including the president, say that they want to pass comprehensive immigration reform that would make it possible for the 10 to 12 million undocumented aliens in the United States to become citizens.

One would then presume that the undocumented aliens granted a path to citizenship would at one point or another also be eligible for the benefits now being discussed in the health reform legislation. If so, has anyone in Congress or in the administration said how much more the health reform bill would cost?

Obviously, none of the above will take place overnight. Some politicians say it will take three or four years before all the changes being proposed to our health care system take effect. Even though the money to pay for it will begin to be collected the minute the new law is signed by the president.

Nor can one predict, when, or if, the Obama administration will really push Congress to present an immigration reform bill. The president says he wants to see one introduced in Congress this year so the legislative process can begin. However, chances of a controversial bill, such as immigration reform, going through Congress in an election year is slim and none.

Yet, politicians like to say things and make promises that they know they cannot keep. This is one of them.

Democrats in Congress know they need to pass a health reform bill this year, when they have overwhelming majorities in both chambers, because they are not likely to get a better chance for reform any time soon. President Obama and the Democrats in Congress need to approve some kind of health reform legislation now, even if it is not as comprehensive as many desire.

Odds are that President Obama will get to sign a health reform bill before the year ends. Congressional Democratic leaders probably will overcome the obstacles set by the Blue Dog Democrats.

The same cannot be said about an immigration reform bill. They know it won't pass. So they should stop talking about it.

Guillermo I. MartÃ*nez lives in South Florida. His e-mail is: Guimar123@gmail.com

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