Move America Forward, the nation’s largest pro-troop, grassroots organization

Pro-Troop Group Warns: Fort Hood Murders Show Lethal Results of Political Correctness

By Online
Thursday, November 12, 2009

SACRAMENTO, CA - Move America Forward, the nation’s largest pro-troop, grassroots organization, today criticized the culture of political correctness that allowed this tragedy to happen and mass media’s quick defense of Nidal Hasan’s Fort Hood attacks as just a soldier’s frustration, ignoring the obvious questions about his faith and ties to radical Islam.

Prior to the shooting, authorities knew that Hasan had contacted Al Qaeda, proclaimed his allegiance to radical Islam over the Army, visited radical Jihadist websites and openly applauded acts of terrorism committed against the US. Many of Hasan’s peers had expressed their concerns about him and his co-workers at Walter Reed even worried that he was psychotic. Doctors there said they also wanted to report Hasan for un-American statements but were afraid to appear discriminatory against a Muslim.

All of these glaring warning signs were over-looked in the name of tolerance, diversity and appeasement of political correctness.

“The warning signs were there, but no one could speak up for fear of being accused of profiling or being called a racist,â€