The Immigration Numbers Nobody Sees Or Talks About

By Frosty Wooldridge

The Congress and citizens of America live under the illusion that America can continue importing millions upon millions of human beings from a line that grows by 80 million net gain around the world annually. The sobering fact remains: it cannot keep adding human population.

Chris Clugston on Malthus

"Malthus gets a bum rap because he pointed out an obvious set of facts and conclusions that nobody wanted to hear--or wants to hear. He was the bearer of bad news, and like many bearers of bad news, he was blamed for the bad news, as if he himself were responsible for it. It is interesting to me how every time we get away with another billion people or with setting new records in NNR (natural non-renewable resource) exploitation, we laugh and tell ourselves that Malthus was wrong. It is as if we're inching out on a tree branch that becomes thinner and thinner, and telling ourselves with each successive "inch" - "See, I told you this branch would never break". Wrong conclusion - it hasn't broken yet, but it most certainly will...

Are we really that stupid?!"

Chris Clugston is the author of the yet to be published book, "Scarcity", and his archive of papers can be found at

Here are the figures that will sober if not frighten every parent in America as America adds endless millions of immigrants:

· The nation's immigrant population (legal and illegal) reached 40 million in 2010, the highest number in the nation's history.

· The nation's immigrant population has doubled since 1990, nearly tripled since 1980, and quadrupled since 1970, when it stood at 9.7 million.

· Of the 40 million immigrants in the country in 2010, 13.9 million arrived in 2000 or later making it the highest decade of immigration in American history, even though there was a net loss of jobs during the decade.

· New arrivals are offset by out-migration and deaths. As a result, the net increase in the immigrant population was more than 8.8 million over the last decade, from 31.1 million in 2000.

· While the number of immigrants in the country is higher than at any time in American history, the immigrant share of the population (12.9 percent) was higher 90 years ago.

· Growth in the immigrant population has primarily been driven by high levels of legal immigration. Roughly three-fourths of immigrants in the country are here legally.

· Immigrants continue to head to non-traditional states of settlement. The six states with the largest immigrant populations accounted for 65 percent of the total in 2010, 68 percent in 2000, and 73 percent in 1990.

· Overall the immigrant population grew 28 percent between 2000 and 2010. But it grew at more than twice the national rate in: Alabama (92 percent), South Carolina (88 percent), Tennessee (82 percent), Arkansas (79 percent), Kentucky (75 percent), North Carolina (67 percent), South Dakota (65 percent), Georgia (63 percent), Indiana (61 percent), Nevada (61 percent), Delaware (60 percent), Virginia (60 percent), and Oklahoma (57 percent).

· Since 1990 the immigrant population has doubled. It grew at more than twice the national rate in: North Carolina (525 percent), Georgia (445 percent), Arkansas (430 percent), Tennessee (389 percent), Nevada (385 percent), South Carolina (337 percent), Kentucky (312 percent), Nebraska (298 percent), Alabama (287 percent), Utah (280 percent), Colorado (249 percent), Minnesota (235 percent), Delaware (223 percent), Iowa (222 percent), Indiana (219 percent), Oklahoma (215 percent), and Arizona (208 percent).

· States with the largest numerical increases over the last decade were: California, Texas, Florida, New York, New Jersey, Georgia, Virginia, North Carolina, Maryland, Washington, Illinois, Pennsylvania, and Massachusetts.

· Latin America continued to dominate immigration. Countries from this region accounted for 58 percent of the growth in the immigrant population from 2000 to 2010.

· With nearly 12 million immigrants, Mexico was by far the top immigrant-sending country, accounting for 29 percent of all immigrants and 29 percent of growth in the immigrant population from 2000 to 2010.

· Other countries have also seen significant growth in their populations. In 1990 there was only one sending-country with more than one million immigrants in the United States, by 2000 there were four such countries, and in 2010 there were eight.

· The median age of immigrants in 2010 was 41.4 compared to 35.9 for natives.

What we face:

The green revolution was instigated as a result of the efforts of Norman Borlaug, who, while accepting the Nobel peace prize in 1970, said: "The green revolution has won a temporary success in man's war against hunger and deprivation; it has given man a breathing space. If fully implemented, the revolution can provide sufficient food for sustenance during the next three decades. But the frightening power of human reproduction must also be curbed; otherwise the success of the green revolution will be ephemeral only."

"The cheap oil age created an artificial bubble of plentitude for a period not much longer than a human I hazard to assert that as oil ceases to be cheap and the world reserves move toward depletion, we will be left with an enormous population...that the ecology of the earth will not support. The journey back toward non-oil population homeostasis will not be pretty. We will discover the hard way that population hyper growth was simply a side-effect of the oil age. It was a condition, not a problem with a solution. That is what happened and we are stuck with it." James Howard Kunstler, The Long Emergency


What you can do:

In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, "Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls", Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation. Take five minutes to see for yourself: ... r_embedded

"Immigration by the numbers-off the chart" by Roy Beck

This 10 minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a word "Mind boggling!"

This is the best website to start: ; watch Roy Beck's "Immigration by the Numbers" at 14 minutes. Bi-partisan and very effective. Become a faxer of pre-written letters to your reps to make positive change.

Visit for the best information on what we face as a civilization as to overpopulation, energy, immigration and much more.

Canada ; in Australia; in Great Britain ; and dozens of other sites accessed at In Florida, .

Must see DVD: "Blind Spot" , This movie illustrates America's future without oil, water and other resources to keep this civilization functioning. It's a brilliant educational movie!

Must see: Rapid Population Decline, seven minute video by Dr. Jack Alpert-

Must see and funny: ;

Dave Gardner's Polar Bear in Bedroom: ; Dave Gardner, President, Citizen-Powered Media ; Producing the Documentary, GROWTH BUSTERS; presents Hooked on Growth: Our Misguided Quest for Prosperity, Join the cause at www ;760 Wycliffe Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80906 USA; +1 719-576-5565

Check out this link with Wooldridge on bicycle and Lester Brown and panel discussion:

Tomorrow's Americaproject on

Producer: GEORGE A.

DC: 202-258-4887


Link to for more discussions on America's predicament.



Frosty Wooldridge has bicycled across six continents - from the Arctic to the South Pole - as well as six times across the USA, coast to coast and border to border. In 2005, he bicycled from the Arctic Circle, Norway to Athens, Greece. He presents "The Coming Population Crisis in America: and what you can do about it" to civic clubs, church groups, high schools and colleges. He works to bring about sensible world population balance at He is the author of: America on the Brink: The Next Added 100 Million Americans. Copies available: 1 888 280 7715