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  1. #41
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Months” → Something Is Killing Life All Over The Pacific Ocean – Could It Be Fukushima?

    Posted on October 29, 2013 by Michael Snyder

    Why is there so much death and disease among sea life living near the west coast of North America right now? Could the hundreds of tons of highly radioactive water that are being released into the Pacific Ocean from Fukushima every single day have anything to do with it? When I wrote my last article about Fukushima, I got a lot of heat for being “alarmist” and for supposedly “scaring” people unnecessarily. I didn’t think that an article about Fukushima would touch such a nerve, but apparently there are some people out there that really do not want anyone writing about this stuff. Right now, massive numbers of fish and sea creatures are dying in the Pacific Ocean. In addition, independent tests have shown that significant levels of cesium-137 are in a very high percentage of the fish that are being caught in the Pacific and sold in North America. Could this have anything to do with the fact that the largest nuclear disaster in the history of mankind has been constantly releasing enormous amounts of radioactive material into the Pacific Ocean for more than two years? I don’t know about you, but to me this seems to be a question that is worth asking.

    Since I wrote my last article, major news outlets have reported that large numbers of sea stars living off of the west coast of North America appear to be “melting“…
    Divers were out in Puget Sound waters Saturday to see if they can help solve a mystery. Scientists are trying to figure out what’s causing one species of starfish to die in parts of Puget Sound and the waters off of Canada.
    Seattle Aquarium biologists Jeff Christiansen and Joel Hollander suited up in scuba gear in their search for answers. “We’re going to look for both healthy and potentially diseased sea stars,” Christiansen explained. “We’ve got some sea stars that look like they’re melting on the bottom.”
    The same thing is happening in the waters near Canada and nobody’s sure why.
    If scientists don’t know why this is happening, perhaps there is an unusual explanation for this phenomenon.
    Could it be Fukushima?
    The following is what one invertebrate expert quoted by National Geographic says is happening to the starfish…
    “[The starfish] seem to waste away, ‘deflate’ a little, and then just … disintegrate. The arms just detach, and the central disc falls apart. It seems to happen rapidly, and not just dead animals undergoing decomposition, as I observed single arms clinging to the rock faces, tube feet still moving, with the skin split, gills flapping in the current. I’ve seen single animals in the past looking like this, and the first dive this morning I thought it might be crabbers chopping them up and tossing them off the rocks. Then we did our second dive in an area closed to fishing, and in absolutely amazing numbers. The bottom from about 20 to 50 feet [6 to 15 meters] was absolutely littered with arms, oral discs, tube feet, gonads and gills … it was kind of creepy.”
    That certainly does not sound normal to me.
    Shouldn’t we be trying to figure out why this is happening?
    Something is also causing a huge spike in the death rate for killer whales living off of the coast of British Columbia
    A Vancouver Aquarium researcher is sounding the alarm over “puzzling” changes he’s observed in the killer whale pods that live off the southern British Columbia coast.
    Dr. Lance Barrett-Lennard says he fears changes in the ocean environment are prompting odd behaviour and an unusually high mortality rate.
    Barrett-Lennard says the southern resident orca pod, which is found in the Salish Sea between Vancouver Island and the B.C. mainland, has lost seven matriarchs over the past two years, and he’s noticed a lack of vocalizations from the normally chatty mammals.
    Once again, scientists do not know why this is happening.
    Could it be Fukushima?
    I am just asking the question.
    Clearly something unusual is happening to the Pacific. The following is what one Australian discovered as he journeyed across the Pacific Ocean recently…
    The next leg of the long voyage was from Osaka to San Francisco and for most of that trip the desolation was tinged with nauseous horror and a degree of fear.
    “After we left Japan, it felt as if the ocean itself was dead,” Macfadyen said.
    “We hardly saw any living things. We saw one whale, sort of rolling helplessly on the surface with what looked like a big tumour on its head. It was pretty sickening.
    “I’ve done a lot of miles on the ocean in my life and I’m used to seeing turtles, dolphins, sharks and big flurries of feeding birds. But this time, for 3000 nautical miles there was nothing alive to be seen.”
    In place of the missing life was garbage in astounding volumes.
    “Part of it was the aftermath of the tsunami that hit Japan a couple of years ago. The wave came in over the land, picked up an unbelievable load of stuff and carried it out to sea. And it’s still out there, everywhere you look.”
    What would cause the Pacific Ocean to be “dead”?
    Could it be Fukushima?
    When you consider the evidence presented above along with all of the other things that we have learned in recent months, it becomes more than just a little bit alarming.
    The following are some more examples of sea life dying off in the Pacific from my recent article entitled “28 Signs That The West Coast Is Being Absolutely Fried With Nuclear Radiation From Fukushima“…
    -Polar bears, seals and walruses along the Alaska coastline are suffering from fur loss and open sores
    Wildlife experts are studying whether fur loss and open sores detected in nine polar bears in recent weeks is widespread and related to similar incidents among seals and walruses.
    The bears were among 33 spotted near Barrow, Alaska, during routine survey work along the Arctic coastline. Tests showed they had “alopecia, or loss of fur, and other skin lesions,” the U.S. Geological Survey said in a statement.
    -There is an epidemic of sea lion deaths along the California coastline…
    At island rookeries off the Southern California coast, 45 percent of the pups born in June have died, said Sharon Melin, a wildlife biologist for the National Marine Fisheries Service based in Seattle. Normally, less than one-third of the pups would die. It’s gotten so bad in the past two weeks that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration declared an “unusual mortality event.”
    -Along the Pacific coast of Canada and the Alaska coastline, the population of sockeye salmon is at a historic low. Many are blaming Fukushima.
    -Something is causing fish all along the west coast of Canada to bleed from their gills, bellies and eyeballs.
    -Experts have found very high levels of cesium-137 in plankton living in the waters of the Pacific Ocean between Hawaii and the west coast.
    -One test in California found that 15 out of 15 bluefin tuna were contaminated with radiation from Fukushima.
    -Back in 2012, the Vancouver Sun reported that cesium-137 was being found in a very high percentage of the fish that Japan was selling to Canada…
    • 73 percent of mackerel tested
    • 91 percent of the halibut
    • 92 percent of the sardines
    • 93 percent of the tuna and eel
    • 94 percent of the cod and anchovies
    • 100 percent of the carp, seaweed, shark and monkfish
    Is it really so unreasonable to wonder if Fukushima could be causing all of this?
    And the total amount of nuclear material in the Pacific Ocean is constantly increasing. According to the New York Times, the latest releases from Fukushima contain “much more contaminated water than before”, and the flow of contaminated water will not stop until 2015 at the earliest…
    The latest releases appear to be carrying much more contaminated water than before into the Pacific. And that flow may not slow until at least 2015, when an ice wall around the damaged reactors is supposed to be completed.
    And that same article explained that cesium-137 is entering the Pacific at a rate that is “about three times as high” as last year…
    The magnitude of the recent spike in radiation, and the amounts of groundwater involved, have led Michio Aoyama, an oceanographer at a government research institute who is considered an authority on radiation in the sea, to conclude that radioactive cesium 137 may now be leaking into the Pacific at a rate of about 30 billion becquerels per year, or about three times as high as last year. He estimates that strontium 90 may be entering the Pacific at a similar rate.
    Right now, approximately 300 tons of contaminated water is pouring into the Pacific Ocean from Fukushima every 24 hours.
    But apparently we are not supposed to ask any questions about this and we are just supposed to blindly accept that this is not having any significant impact on our environment even though sea life in the Pacific appears to be dying in unprecedented numbers.
    I don’t know about you, but I really think that the people of the world deserve to know the truth about what is happening out there.
    Michael T. Snyder is a former Washington D.C. attorney who now publishes The Truth. His new thriller entitled “The Beginning Of The End” is now available on

    Don't forget to follow the D.C. Clothesline on Facebook and Twitter.

  2. #42
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    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Reciprocity View Post
    Why the US and Russia aren't helping with this, makes no sense?

    Russia Offers Fukushima Cleanup Help as Tepco Reaches Out

    By Yuriy Humber & Jacob Adelman - Aug 25, 2013 10:39 PM PT

    Let the world help at Fukushima No. 1

    Sep 23, 2013

    Re: “Fukushima and the right to responsible government” by Colin P.A. Jones (The Foreign Element, Sept. 17):

    It would be useful if the government of Japan would avail themselves of the assistance and technology that could be provided by foreign corporations with experience in the decommissioning of nuclear plants.
    The United States successfully cleaned and decommissioned nuclear facilities at Hanford, Washington, Rocky Flats, Colorado, and Portsmouth, Ohio. Other projects are currently under way in both the U.S. and U.K.
    Yet, American firms who have offered to help with issues at Fukushima have been repeatedly turned down by Tepco and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.

  3. #43
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    Jun 2013
    Monday, October 28, 2013

    Why We Can’t Trust Anything TEPCO Says About Fukushima

    Melissa Melton
    Activist Post

    One hundred out of 100 Pacific herring caught in Canada bleeding from their eyes, gills, fins and tails. Alaskan polar bears with oozing sores losing their fur. “Mysterious” outbreaks and mass die-offs. Dead seals and melting starfish in the Pacific. Studies coming back confirming that 100% of bluefin tuna off California’s coast contaminated with cesium-134 (half-life: two years) and cesium-137 (half-life: 30 years).

    This isn’t your typical, average, everyday radioactive contamination, however. This radiation has been researched and traced back across the ocean to Fukushima and the crippled Daiichi nuclear power plant still crumbling there, spewing out 400 tons of irradiated groundwater a day, every day, since March 2011 when it was hit with a massive earthquake and subsequent tsunami.

    Even as the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) releases maps like the one above, clearly showing the path of radioactive water as it proliferates throughout the largest ocean on the planet — assimilating and ultimately affecting every single piece and natural process of the biosphere — the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) has their own theory on why we shouldn’t worry about Fukushima radiation.

    According to recent reports, TEPCO is claiming that the radiation simply doesn’t spread very far into the ocean (even though its continually being dumped in there every single second of every minute of every day):
    Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s claim that radioactive water leaking into the sea from the wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant is confined to the coast doesn’t make scientific sense, according to a U.S. researcher who surveyed waters off the site last month
    Japan’s government has supported the utility’s statement that the irradiated groundwater flowing into the Pacific Ocean at a rate of some 400 tons a day remains in an area of 0.3 square kilometers (0.12 square miles) within the bay fronting the atomic station. [emphasis added]

    So let’s understand this. A month after the earthquake hit Fukushima, milk sampled in Hawaii by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) had been tested and found to contain radiation at levels 2,033% higher than the federal allowable limits for drinking water, but President Obama claimed the government did not expect harmful levels of radiation to reach the U.S.

    The mainstream media continues to report on new leaks as if they’re happening in a vacuum with no bioaccumulative effect in regard to all the other leaks already reported. Fresh stories are coming out all the time of sick animals and dead sea life in and around the Pacific Ocean, showing signs of what could be radiation poisoning.

    Just weeks ago, it came out that storage tanks are leaking (again), and ditch water radiation readings around the plant are some 6,700 times higher at 200,000 becquerels per liter than the 30 becquerel legal limit.

    A few days ago, a Fukushima worker blew the whistle that the vast array of subcontractors handling the cleanup for TECPO are not really being managed. Safety precautions and monitoring for the mostly unskilled workers there are close to nil. Wages are being skimmed off the top. Data is being fudged. Real confidence builders for the rest of the world. There are even allegations that the Yakuza, the Japanese mafia, are running most of it.

    But not to worry, TEPCO says the radiation that its failed nuclear plant is continuously dumping into the ocean and contaminating the world at large with every single day is just staying right there in front of it.

    (The company failed to clarify whether or not this containment was by fairy magic or flying unicorn power.)

    It is okay, though, because even if the U.S. government has released maps of the radiation spreading throughout the entire Pacific that are being confirmed with scientific animal testing off the California coast, the EPA has simply raised the safe water and soil radiation exposure level limits. Our president approved the raise last spring. The United Nations has also released a report assuring us all that radiation from Fukushima “is unlikely to be able to attribute any health effects in the future among the general public” (even as reports are being simultaneously released that significantly high numbers of Fukushima children are coming down with abnormal growths and being diagnosed with cancer).

    Bear in mind, the plant sits on the site of a diverted river, on the coast of an island in the Ring of Fire, so called because of the high number of earthquakes and volcanoes that occur there. Sounds like a brilliant place to build a nuclear power plant, no?

    A recent 7+ magnitude earthquake recently hit off the coast of Japan near Fukushima following a busy typhoon season, but TEPCO claims everything is just a-okay. The earthquake had no effect…no new damage, no spike in readings. The company released pictures of mudslides on the Daiichi Power Plant property (though no pictures of the plant itself).

    To think that just the amount of radioactive cesium-137 being dumped into our environment alone has been estimated at the equivalent of 168 Hiroshima bombs (not to mention the how many bombs all that tritium, strontium, iodine and plutonium are worth) — to believe that something of this magnitude can happen and it will hold relatively negligible consequences on the biosphere, well…

    Just because a lie is repeated over and over doesn’t make it true. Neither does closing one’s eyes and ignoring reality.

    Earlier this year, yachtsman Ivan Macfadyen sailed from Melbourne, Australia to Osaka, Japan, then on to San Francisco. He recounted his eerily quiet trip in the Newcastle Herald. As someone who had traveled the same route a decade earlier, Macfadyen’s came back with his assessment —“The ocean is broken”:
    “After we left Japan, it felt as if the ocean itself was dead,” Macfadyen said.
    “We hardly saw any living things. We saw one whale, sort of rolling helplessly on the surface with what looked like a big tumour on its head. It was pretty sickening.
    “I’ve done a lot of miles on the ocean in my life and I’m used to seeing turtles, dolphins, sharks and big flurries of feeding birds. But this time, for 3000 nautical miles there was nothing alive to be seen.”
    But it wasn’t just a lack of life that haunted Macfadyen’s journey. It was the omnipresent tsunami debris still swirling around the ocean with nowhere else to go like a giant bowl of garbage soup.
    Ivan’s brother, Glenn, who boarded at Hawaii for the run into the United States, marvelled at the “thousands on thousands” of yellow plastic buoys. The huge tangles of synthetic rope, fishing lines and nets. Pieces of polystyrene foam by the million. And slicks of oil and petrol, everywhere.
    Countless hundreds of wooden power poles are out there, snapped off by the killer wave and still trailing their wires in the middle of the sea.
    “Below decks you were constantly hearing things hitting against the hull, and you were constantly afraid of hitting something really big. As it was, the hull was scratched and dented all over the place from bits and pieces we never saw.”
    Plastic was ubiquitous. Bottles, bags and every kind of throwaway domestic item you can imagine, from broken chairs to dustpans, toys and utensils.
    But it gets even worse.

    And something else. The boat’s vivid yellow paint job, never faded by sun or sea in years gone past, reacted with something in the water off Japan, losing its sheen in a strange and unprecedented way.

    Macfadyen could come to only one conclusion.
    BACK in Newcastle, Ivan Macfadyen is still coming to terms with the shock and horror of the voyage.
    “The ocean is broken,” he said, shaking his head in stunned disbelief.
    There’s really only one question left. Even if the people in charge had a reasonable grasp of the enormity of the situation at Fukushima, what would possibly motivate them to give the rest of us an honest assessment of what we’re actually up against here?

    Melissa Melton is a co-founder of, where this first appeared. She is an experienced researcher, graphic artist and investigative journalist with a passion for liberty and a dedication to truth. Her aim is to expose the New World Order for what it is — a prison for the human soul from which we must break free.

  4. #44
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    Jun 2013
    Celebrated Physician: Fukushima has humanity on brink of a possible worldwide nuclear holocaust

    Posted on November 4, 2013 by Brian in Health, News

    I believe that humanity is standing on the brink of a possible worldwide nuclear holocaust. The world as we know it has already changed as the result of radioactive material that has been released into the air and the ocean.
    I am not an alarmist, but I am alarmed.
    Dr. Stephen Hosea
    I know that large quantities of radioactive material are in a precariously unstable situation in the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear facility. An inability to effectively keep this material cool could easily result in another nuclear event. Another natural disaster like the recent typhoon or earthquake that occurred October 25, 2013, will further minimize the likelihood of a meaningful response.
    I know radioactivity has been and continues to be released into the air and ocean. The effects on our health are incomprehensible because the magnitude of radioactivity released and the extent of spread and contamination are virtually unknown.
    I know that I don’t know all of the details, risks, and levels of radioactivity. I do know I have been exposed. I consumed Pacific Bluefin tuna (PBFT) caught off the coast of San Diego four weeks ago. A Stanford study has shown that all PBFT caught off the West Coast of California had 10 times the usual amount of radioactive cesium present prior to the Fukushima event in March 2011.
    I believe that our health is the great equalizer. In my clinical career, I have had the good fortune to care for the homeless and the disenfranchised and the rich and the famous. When one is lying in a hospital bed with those special gowns that are wide open in the back, everyone is pretty much the same. The air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat are gifts of life for all of us no matter what our creed or our color.
    I know that these precious gifts have been contaminated. The silence from the media and the powers that be has been deafening.
    The Chinese symbol for crisis is composed of two letters — one is danger and the other is opportunity. We have an opportunity to help the Japanese with the crisis in Fukushima. I want the best and the brightest that money can’t buy to be making those decisions. This is not a request — this is an inalienable right for the sake of our children and our children’s children and all of humanity.
    - See more at:

    We have an opportunity to protect ourselves from future nuclear events at home and around the world. They only are called accidents if we do not take measures to prevent them. The time to act is now.

    By : Dr. Stephen Hosea
    Source :
    Celebrated Physician: Fukushima has humanity on brink of a possible worldwide nuclear holocaust
    In Addition, David Schindler and David Suzuki talk about the threat of Fukushima
    David Suzuki’s Fukushima Warning Is Dire And Scary

    - See more at:

  5. #45
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    Jun 2013
    Horror Movie Scene In Pacific Ocean As Sea Stars Rip Themselves To Pieces

    Tuesday, November 5, 2013 8:18

    (Before It's News)
    The brand new story below from ENENews is horrifying and shares more information about what is now unfolding up and down the entire West Coast of America and Canada. In what is being called similar to scenes from a horror movie, sea stars, suffering from a ‘wasting disease’, are ‘ripping themselves into pieces’. Is this related to the ongoing Fukushima radiation disaster? Is it due to ‘global warming’? The video report below shares that this disaster is spreading up and down the West Coast now.

    The Press Democrat (Santa Barbara), Nov. 2, 2013 (Emphasis Added): [...] The affliction, called sea star wasting disease, has killed up to 95 percent of the stars in some tide pool populations ranging from southeast Alaska to Santa Barbara in a manner similar to scenes from a horror movie. “They essentially melt in front of you,” said Pete Raimondi, chairman of the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at UC Santa Cruz’s Long Marine Lab. [...] The disease has struck localized coastal areas before [...] but is already far more widespread, and its full extent is unknown. “We’ve never seen it at this scale up and down the coast,” Raimondi said. [...]
    AP, Nov. 3, 2013: Widespread starfish deaths reported on West Coast [...] Sampling has found the disease in starfish from Alaska to Southern California [...] Raimondi says wasting disease has never been as widespread as researchers are finding now. [...] The disease usually affects one species [...] Steven Morgan, an environmental science professor at the Bodega Marine Laboratory at the University of California, Davis, has found emaciated sea stars on the rocks at Schoolhouse Beach north of Bodega Bay, but was unsure if wasting syndrome was the culprit. Still, Morgan found the starfish deaths a “strange anomaly.” “None of us had ever seen anything like this before,” he said.

    Global Warming?

    The Press Democrat, Nov. 2, 2013: Sea temperatures off Bodega Bay have been below average this year and are close to average throughout the northeast Pacific, without an El Niño or La Niña, said John Largier, an oceanographer at the Bodega Marine Lab. Raimondi said his data show the same thing, which “makes this event unusual and perhaps more disturbing.”

    The last of my Pisaster ochraceus stars waited until today, three whole days after all of its conspecifics had died, to start ripping itself into pieces. This is the sight that greeted me when I checked on my animals this morning:

  6. #46
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    Island Of Debris From 2011 Japan Tsunami The Size Of TEXAS Is Heading Straight For The West Coast Of US

    Tuesday, November 5, 2013 5:40

    While the first documented debris from the tragedy has already been found in California, scientists fear these new findings mean there could be a lot more to come and it might arrive all at once.

    The NOAA released their updated findings last week, which show the huge island floating northeast of the Hawaiian Islands.
    Scientists at the agency can’t say for sure when the debris field, which outside the dense island is scattered from Alaska to the Philippines, will reach the U.S.
    Thats alot of junk all at once and its probably radioactive so needless to say, this is going to be a disaster. So sad and disturbing that we do these kinds of things to ourselves. My son when he is older will still be hearing about Fukushima when he watches the news everyday probably. What kind of legacy is that to leave to future generations? To me that says, ‘they f*cked up really bad and now your going to have to fix it’. The same goes with the economy. Of course by ‘they’ I don’t mean you and me, I mean the 1%. Look out California and Cascadia. : -Mort

  7. #47
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    Jun 2013
    ABC: Fukushima 3 Exploded – Lies At Highest Levels – Plutonium Escaped

    Wednesday, November 6, 2013 6:11

    Despite an ongoing coverup more than 2 1/2 years old, the world continues to get more truth from ENENews today about Fukushima from ABC Australia who shares that even the Prime Minister of Japan was unable to get answers from TEPCO about an explosion that he himself witnessed at Fukushima’s reactor #3. We also learn below that plutonium escaped during the explosion which featured an ‘orange flash’, suggesting temperatures of thousands of degrees, now being called a nuclear explosion. You can see the explosion of Fukushima #3 in the 2nd video below. The 1st video is entitled, Fukushima: Oceans of the Dead – What You Aren’t Being Told. Is this why much of the Pacific Ocean has now turned into a ‘dead zone’ and what does this plutonium release mean for humanity?

    ABC Australia: Even [Japan's Prime Minister Naoto Kan] can’t get answers. There’s one point he’s back in his office watching reactor 3 explode, there’s black smoke. “What’s going on,” asks Kan. There was silence. No one had any answer. But then over at Tepco, they’re watching that too. They know what’s going on, but the president of Tepco basically says, “Well, don’t tell them that, tell them something different.” Basically tell them it was a hydrogen explosion. So there’s willful denial and lying going on here, even at the highest levels. Even the Prime Minister can’t get the answers.

    Akio Takahashi, a senior Tepco official: “We do not know whether it was a hydrogen explosion, but since the government–the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency–is saying it is a hydrogen explosion, we can just say so–a hydrogen explosion, can’t we?”

    ‘Fukushima‘ by ABC correspondent Mark Willacy, published July 1, 2013 (Excerpt): ‘All right. I agree. This is fine,’ replied [Tepco] President Shimizu. And that was exactly what happened. At a press conference later that day, a TEPCO public-relations official said with utmost confidence, it was a hydrogen explosion.’ But the exact cause of the Reactor 3 blast has even now not been conclusively determined. Some have speculated it could have been a nuclear explosion — just like Chernobyl. ‘I watched video of the Reactor 3 explosion,’ said veteran Japanese nuclear-reactor designer Setsuo Fujiwara. ‘There was an orange flash, which suggests the temperature must have been thousands of degrees centigrade before the explosion. Then there was black smoke.’ Fujiwara insisted to me that a hydrogen explosion created white smoke and steam, as witnessed after the Reactor 1 building was torn apart. He continued, ‘The second piece of evidence is that plutonium was scattered about after this blast. Plutonium is consistent with the mixed oxide fuel [used in Reactor 3]. The third point is that the Reactor 3 building was bent like candy, unlike the Reactor 1 building, where the steel framework remained intact. So this could only mean it was a nuclear explosion.’

  8. #48
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    Jun 2013

    Published on Nov 1, 2013
    US, TEPCO to work together on Fukushima plant
    The US Energy Secretary and the president of Tokyo Electric Power Company have agreed to enhance technical cooperation to better deal with problems at the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant.Secretary Ernest Moniz toured the plant on Friday accompanied by TEPCO President Naomi Hirose.
    Moniz inspected wells to monitor the spread of underground radioactive contamination and equipment to pump up radioactive water close to the ocean.

    Aso to study state funding for Fukushima cleanup
    Japan's finance minister says he will study a proposal by the Liberal Democratic Party that the government finance the effort to clean up after the Fukushima nuclear disaster.
    Taro Aso told reporters on Friday that he respects and will carefully study related recommendations by an LDP taskforce.
    The recommendations were made on Thursday by the taskforce on speeding up the effort to rebuild regions hit by the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami that triggered the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.

    Govt. to turn TEPCO into a holding company
    Japan's industry ministry started procedures to turn the operator of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant into a holding company. It also plans to create a body specializing in decommissioning reactors at the plant under the new firm's wing.
    The ministry began the move on Thursday after a taskforce of the main ruling Liberal Democratic Party approved proposals designed to swiftly address radioactive water and scrap reactors at the plant.

    "We've opened a door to hell" at Fukushima plant, and may never be able to close it — Radio Host: You mean that even with robots they don't know where the 3 reactor cores are? (AUDIO)

    Why are they 'speeding up' at Unit 4? — Expert in 2010: Megathrust quake to hit Fukushima ~Nov. 2013... Recurrence interval of 75 years with last rupture Nov. 1938 — Planet's most powerful type of seismic event — WSJ: Top official concerned quake to destabilize fuel pool

    Just How Tough Is It to Find Workers to Clean Up the Fukushima Reactor?
    Japan's elderly have tried to step up in hopes of saving younger workers from potential radiation exposure, but harsh work conditions make recruitment for the cleanup a major challenge.

    State Secrets Act to supress Fukushima information

    Removal of Fukushima's spent fuel on target: U.S. Energy Secretary

    Tepco rejects disclosing the name of the company to be in the operation of reactor4 fuel removal

    Tepco not to disclose workers' exposure dose simulation

    The News That Matters about the Nuclear Industry


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  9. #49
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    Jun 2013
    In Unprecedented Move, Spent Fuel Rods To Be Removed from Fukushima Reactors

    Arjun Makhijani: Removing the spent fuel rods from the Fukushima Reactor is a dangerous but necessary move - November 8, 13

    video at link below

  10. #50
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    Jun 2013
    Fukushima Unit 4 Is Tilted And Buckled, Could Collapse At Anytime

    Wednesday, November 13, 2013 7:05

    , Nov. 12, 2013: The urgency to clear Reactor No. 4 of the fuel assemblies is because of the risk in having spent fuel stored at such a height – some 18 meters above ground level – in a building that has buckled and tilted and could collapse if another quake strikes. Also, if the pool housing the fuel assemblies is punctured and the water drains away, there could be a fire [...] threatening Tokyo […] As the water used to cool the rods has had to be pumped in from the ocean, there is a risk that some may have corroded from the seawater. […] [The fuel rods] contain plutonium, one of the most toxic substances known [...]

    Bloomberg, Nov. 8, 2013: Engineers have been examining the stability of the reactor building to make sure no new vulnerabilities have developed that could lead to accidents during removal. Quarterly tests have also been conducted to ensure the building isn’t sinking because of soil subsidence, [Akira Ono, head of the Fukushima Daiichi plant] said.

    Independent (UK), Nov. 8, 2013: Engineers must remove the fuel assemblies one by one, without incident, and each time deal with the risk of fire or the cooling water boiling dry. The building lists slightly but Tepco says it has been reinforced [...] Tepco had built an alarm system that would warn workers to evacuate if radiation climbed dangerously high. […]

    Unit 4 is where the immediate problem is, maybe. If you have been following this closely you would have seen by now the testimony of many doctors and experts and such that they will not allow people to even see or be near the other 3 reactors. Why? Its going to take years to clear Unit 4 let alone the other 3 too. This is the worst calamity in human history potentially. I cannot, off hand, think of anything else that will be so far reaching into the future and so devastating to those that will be affected by it. We are talking thousands of years if something goes wrong. Japan will not exist and the Japanese people might not either. -Mort

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