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  1. #51
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Fukushima Radiation Turns Into Alaska’s Tragedy

    Posted by: Allison Martinez Posted date: November 13, 2013

    We know we are being lied to about Fukushima. Even amateurs with little academic training in reading equipment know that the levels of radiation hitting Alaska are in excess of those experienced in the cold war era of the 1960s. The radiation in the North Pacific due to above ground nuclear testing were regarded as fairly high. The levels being experienced now is higher than that, at least as measured by local residents.
    In July of 2013, the Representatives in the Japanese Diet learned that the amount of radiation from the Fukushima was 20 times the amount of radiation of Hiroshima every day. The situation in Japan has become worse rather than better, and that is having an impact on radiation levels in Alaska. Japan has asked for help from anyone in the world, and so far, there are no takers.

    Just before the Tsunami and earthquake in 2011, spent fuel rods were placed 6 stories high in one of the buildings. The building those fuel rods are in is now in a building that is “listing” or leaning like the tower of Pisa. A typhoon and an earthquake this past week has made the situation critical. If the building collapses, the situation will become grave, not just for Japan, but for most of the Pacific Rim and North America.

    The mainstream media has been a deadly silent on Fukushima and its impact on the west coast. Part of that silence is from a lack of official data. Monitoring of radiation by our government of our own lands appears to be nonexistent.
    While Alaska is part of the United States, the only agencies that seems to recognize this is the Internal Revenue Service, the National Park Service, and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The EPA does a fabulous job policing the emissions of a drop of water from the sluice boxes of gold miners in places like Chicken, Alaska. They do a wonderful job ensuring that no one can burn wood or coal to heat their homes on cold winter nights because of elevated PM2 levels but you can burn all the diesel and cook all the meth your heart desires as far as the EPA is concerned. Monitor radiation? Fat chance.
    The EPA stopped monitoring the radiation a while back. They would rather get their jollies from harassing locals over burning a stick of wood trying to stay warm than monitor radiation levels. Monitoring radiation levels is far beneath their dignity and offers no hope of amusement for them.
    John Kelley, a professor emeritus at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, told CNBC that he’s not sure contamination has reach dangerous levels for humans but says without better data, who will know?
    “The data they will need is not only past data but current data, and if no one is sampling anything then we won’t really know it, will we? The general concern was, is the food supply safe? And I don’t think anyone can really answer that definitively.”
    The issue is critical in Alaska because so many people live off the land for their sustenance. Since nobody is measuring, nobody know for certain if the food is safe, indeed if anything is safe. The federal government seems far more interested in what time what kid left what bus stop, and the voting records of parents but doesn’t seem to care about the radiation levels to which the child and parent is being subjected to daily.
    At the beginning of the Fukushima crisis, Alaska state officials discovered there wasn’t any sort of radiation measuring equipment or supplies to handle such a crisis. The state learned that Federal officials during the Bush era moved radiation detection equipment to the lower 48. Since Alaska had no nuclear power plant or nuclear weapons, there seemed little need for the equipment. Air samples are periodically mailed to the EPA lab in Alabama for evaluation, but somehow got lost the mail during the first weeks of the Fukushima crisis.
    When Fukushima happened, there was no way to measure anything in the state.
    At the end of March of 2011 the environmental agency established radiation testing centers in key locations in response to citizens asking about the impact of Fukushima. The EPA set up a monitoring station in Dutch Harbor, Alaska roughly 2,700 miles away from Fukushima. It attempted to set up one in Nome, but the equipment arrived damaged and unusable. Anchorage Daily News reported two weeks after the disaster began,
    Dutch Harbor also reported the highest levels of cesium-137, more than three times any other reporting station in the United States and twice the level of the next highest station, in Guam. Dutch Harbor’s reading on quickly decaying but dangerous tellurium-132, though tiny, was more than 100 times higher than any place else that reported.
    The state kept assuring everyone that all was well, everywhere else appeared fine. Then the story went away as far as the media was concerned. Ridicule was aimed at anyone who asked. The radiation website for Alaska seemed to eventually disappear. Locals began to monitor things on their own out of frustration.
    Evidence of problems continue to be obvious, yet it is presented with strange excuses. There have been disastrous years of low fish runs that have no explanation. It is only in editorials where the obvious is posited and quickly ridiculed until recently. As the editors of the Juneau paper finally wrote,
    We are concerned our Alaska salmon are being slowly tainted with nuclear waste. We are worried about the impact this waste could have on our resources, and especially the people who consume them…
    We urge scientists in Alaska to be proactive about conducting research and monitoring our salmon species. And we urge them to be vocal about their findings.
    Fat chance of that happening. The Food and Drug Administration only recently put a warning out on eating sea food from Fukushima, and appears to have done nothing to monitor food elsewhere. The state of Alaska would rather promote salmon than worry about a few locals biting the dust. As early as October of 2011, reports of elevated thyroid cancer of Alaska’s children were squashed from the news by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. They did what they could to hide reports from Freedom of Information Act requests.

    There are issues now with killer whales who seem to have greatly diminished in number with “no known cause.” Seals with hair loss and lesions from no known origin. Star fish through the west coast appear to have a strange disease all along the Pacific coast that cause them to disintegrate. Yet the denial continues by Republican and Democrats alike.

    And while the EPA continues to monitor the smoke stack of every home in Alaska for PM2.5 down to a city block, there seems to be only volunteer amateurs monitoring radiation with their own equipment in the interior of Alaska. The federal government has held multiple hearings on PM2.5, but none on the impact of radiation from Fukushima. There is no official source measuring radiation, and it is all through voluntary efforts. If levels rise, it is up to volunteers to notify friends, and be ridiculed by others. Further, since Alaska is far from any medical help for radiation poisoning, citizens are on their own to take precautions and stockpile their own iodine or other resources. Radiation levels are at or have exceeded the levels experienced in the North Pacific during the era of nuclear testing in the 1960s. Those high radiation levels spurred many of the testing treaties in later years.
    Perhaps someone who is somebody can get the EPA to actually do the job they are supposed to do and monitor.

    Allison Martinez

    Allison Martinez writes as the “Arctic Conservative” lives in northern Alaska. An economist by training, AC lives as an economic refugee on the edge of the country.
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  2. #52
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Fukushima: Is Anyone or Anything Safe?
    by Gaye Levy

    12th November,2013

    Recent news that thousands of fuel rods are being removed from Fukushima has raised a lot of questions and concerns across the globe. Is the extraction safe or is this the beginning of Armageddon? Does TEPCO really have the expertise to do this and are the oversight mechanisms credible. Add to this our speculation relative to the long term ramifications of Fukushima on our food supply, our health, and the health of future generations and we have cause for worry.
    In early 2012, a year after a massive tsunami severely damaged the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, I connected with Joy Thompson who, along with her husband Randall, worked as health physicists during the Three Mile Island clean-up. With this latest news about the extraction of the fuel rods, I felt it was time to once again reach out to Joy and get her assessment and opinion on the long term affect of Fukushima to the environment and to humanity.

    Joy was gracious in providing some thought-provoking answers. Not the answers I hope for or wanted, but answers none-the-less.
    What Does the Defueling of Fukushima Mean to Us?
    First, the defueling operation at Daiichi unit 4 is probably among the riskiest industrial operations ever attempted, much less under emergency high-stress conditions.
    While reports from concerned parties everywhere (including NRC/DoE, French and Russian and German nuclear officials and IAEA) have varied on how long the pool was essentially empty after the disaster onset, and how much burned – and for how long – there is wide agreement that a significant portion of the spent fuel assemblies in the pool are probably damaged.
    Damage comes from just brittleness and corrupted by salt water all the way to broken with spilled crumbled fuel and loose rods. The Japanese government admitted last month that the boron ‘blades’ absorbing stray neutrons between fuel bundles in each of the assemblies have long since corroded away. We do not have reliable figures on how much boron is being maintained in the pool either. This is a nightmare scenario.
    Alas, the many other intractable issues present at the reservation make it imperative that what fuel can be removed must be removed – quickly – if for no other reason than to be able to say they tried to do “something” to mitigate what’s going to be an extremely ugly end game. There is a 90% probability for a 7.0+ earthquake in the next three years; it could bring these unstable ruins down.
    The most likely bad news events from the defueling operation will be criticalities in the pool caused by broken/dropped rods and/or fuel sludge. If these boil off too much water or include the ‘fresh’ core that was in the pool during shroud work in the containment, we could witness your basic open air meltdown. On open air meltdown would release contamination to atmosphere equivalent to thousands of Hiroshima bombs. If they have to abandon the site the rest of ‘em will go. That’s half again as much radioactive gnarl as has been released by all the bombs, all the meltdowns, all the other nuclear opposes added together from the beginning. Not good.
    Perhaps this is all for show, they already know it’s a hopeless task, and are just setting us all up for the failure scenario. Guess we’ll see what Plan B entails when it’s called for.
    I am not very optimistic on this, but who knows? Do I swear off Pacific seafood for the duration anyway. Contaminates concentrate up the food chain, but even the plankton and krill are contaminated. No tuna. Sardines, anchovies, squid, shellfish, crustaceans, seaweed are all contaminated as well off the northeastern coast of Japan, and soon the west coast of the Americas. None of the isotopes escaping are the same thing as potassium-40 in bananas, so don’t buy that propaganda.
    Now, to your other questions . . .
    Fukushima Today – An Interview with Joy Thompson

    1. Some of the people on the West Coast are trying to point to jellyfish die-offs and such as being harbingers of the whole Pacific dying. Is that a realistic fear?

    No, it’s not that realistic. While radioactive contamination can certainly weaken life forms to the point of making them susceptible to diseases they’d normally be immune or resistant to, the organisms involved have been demonstrating high stress and die-offs all over the world for some years – since well before Fukushima.
    Something is certainly unhealthy in the oceans, and we humans are no doubt largely responsible with our filthy habits. It could be increased methane due to global warming, seawater ‘layers’ flipping, oxygen depletion from nitrogen run-offs, open oil gushers and Corexit, etc. Definitely disheartening developments to be paid close attention, most likely harbingers of worse things than Fukushima.
    2. What about people (like my friend George) who have thought about moving back to the Pacific Northwest. Is buying a home on the West Coast a bad idea now? And if so, just how bad an idea is it?

    Well, so long as you aren’t planning on living basically IN or ON the water (like as a commercial fisherman or on a houseboat), I don’t see that being there is any worse than being anywhere else. The most serious danger to humans will come from the atmospheric fallout (still circling and coming down in the rain from 3/11/2011). Which will increase again if there are criticalities during unit-4′s defueling. But the rain falls on us all, it can be as contaminated in Charlotte or Paris as it might be in Seattle.
    If you’ve a choice, do try to put some mountains between you and everything west of you. It’ll help some.
    3. Do you think housing prices are reflecting the radiation risks to the West Coast?

    Sorry, don’t know what housing prices out there are doing right now. Could be correction [deflation] from the whole economic Mega-Scam that brought us down in 2008.
    4. Do you still eat shellfish? How do you determine what’s safe to eat and what isn’t?

    I never liked shellfish, actually. I do still eat occasional trout (which I love, and is abundant locally in these mountain streams). Admit to being unable to resist smoked salmon on occasion, but eat it so rarely that I truly wouldn’t miss it if it weren’t available. Haven’t eaten tuna in years due to mercury/heavy metals contamination.
    I grow quite a bit of our food organically on my acreage – have half an acre in truck vegetables, another half-acre in pumpkins, melons and winter squash, apple, peach, cherry and pear trees, and a small vineyard with concord, muscadine and zinfandel grapes. I grow a large number of herbs, and manage 10 acres of forest-grown medicinals.
    I should note here that wild-grown ginseng hit nearly $900 a pound this year. Some of my Mama ‘Sangs are more than 20 years old – one of those roots can go for thousands in China, and there are always Chinese buyers at the autumn exchanges. So far, however, I just keep planting seeds and only harvest what I use in tinctures. I have a healthy stand of elder that is proving lucrative. Elderberry tinctures were proven in side-by-side medical studies during the swine flu epidemic to work better to prevent infection or shorten duration than Tamiflu. Friends who are nurses will buy all I can make.
    My land is bordered by state game lands and national forest, where abundant black/raspberries, blueberries, wineberries, persimmons and sloes grow wild. I also harvest acorns to leech and make flour out of it to enrich bread and cornbread. I grow only heirloom Indian corn, dry and store it whole to grind on demand. I frequent area tailgate markets in season and the regional farmer’s market.
    I’ve found the trick to getting really great deals on bulk produce is to show up at the end of the day on Saturday. Many vendors bring their harvest just for the weekend, and are willing to practically give it away as they’re packing up so as not to have to throw it out. Get great ripe tomatoes, cukes, eggplant, squash and beans by the peck or bushel that way, but then you’ve got to preserve it right away.
    I am able to preserve a great deal of our bounty, grown, traded for or bought. I also dehydrate most everything in my nifty solar dryer. Made it a couple of years ago out of salvaged windows and untreated boards from a neighbor’s sawmill. Can some condiments and pickles, make wines, wine vinegars, balsamic and hard cider with much of the fruit. We have a couple of pet Pekin ducks, get 2-4 very large eggs a day. Plus a neighbor with bees for raw honey. I don’t do bees (though I’d like to) because we’ve too many bears. Out here you learn to share with the wildlife, who do a very good job of cleaning out downed POM fruit that would otherwise draw hornets. Dogs do a good job of keeping them out of the compost and away from the house. Cats are great vermin eradicators – field mice, rats, moles, voles and gophers.
    My best advice to those who want to commit to surviving by learning to do for themselves is to move to the country, or a small town surrounded by countryside. You can produce a lot even on two or three acres, and make friends with neighbors who produce much more. Barter is the primary means of trade for home-grown foodstuffs out here, your skills and hobbies may be more valuable than you thought!
    There are small farms locally specializing in organic/free range poultry and meat if you eat meat. We could hunt if we needed to. Stay low on the food chain if you do hunt – avoid all carnivores, go lightly on the venison, stick with small animals (rabbit, etc.) and birds (turkey, grouse, etc.). Their metabolism is fast enough for biological half-life of the worst isotopes to be short. Plus, they don’t live long enough to accumulate too much.
    Basically, eat locally as much as possible, get to know your farmers. When there’s plumes/fallout, avoid green leafies and berries, or build a greenroom off a south-facing wall. In the end, we’ve all got to eat. Even when we can’t avoid contamination. We’ll all die when our time comes anyway, might as well enjoy the ride. It’s a good way to live.
    5. What about salmon and other migratory fish?

    See above.
    6. And bottom fish like halibut?

    I’d avoid halibut, flounder, and of course crabs and shellfish/crustaceans. The bottom habitat of all our coastal shelf waters are contaminated with a gross amount of pollutants chemical, heavy metal, radioactive, and just plain filth. Heck, I even avoid catfish, because a sad number of our lakes and rivers are just as polluted. The heavy stuff always sinks, ends up in whatever’s living there.
    7. Would you care to speculate about how many people will die – ultimately – prematurely due to the Fukushima accident? What are you colleagues saying?

    Cancer rates will rise, likely to the point where your chances of being diagnosed in your lifetime are sure if you live long enough, but treatments and cures are always possible. We can hope.
    DNA-related birth defects – different from developmental issues due to exposures during pregnancy – probably will take another generation to show in significant numbers. General weakness due to constant low level and internal bombardment will probably claim as many as air pollution from burning coal does now. In fact, they’ll likely claim it comes from coal instead of Fuku. Even if we quit burning coal today.
    Unless you are vaporized to a greasy shadow on the wall they will never admit radiation killed you. Or shortened your life. It’s all an academic exercise in cost-benefit analysis (premeditated random murder) and damned statistics used to deny culpability. Truth be told, there will be some millions of premature deaths worldwide just from Fukushima so far. They’ve four more Level 7 disasters lined up waiting to happen there, so the numbers could easily go up. Sad but true, take precautions where you can.
    8. What’s with the positioning of nuclear power as an answer to global warming? First: Is there global warming, second is nuclear power really the solution or more of a problem? And third, what’s the Big Numbers Game on our heads about?

    Yes, there is global warming. It is evident in the melting of the ice caps and glaciers, increasing droughts, floods, and severe storms. Yes, humans are contributing to it by means of our filthy industrial habits. Burning fossil fuels, mostly. We can and absolutely should cut it out – stop fouling our nest.
    But the climate will continue to change anyway. We should put our energies into adapting. If it gets too warm to grow apples and cherries, plant peaches and oranges. Consider installing drip-hoses and re-routing your gray water to the crops if there’s a drought. If you’re careful of the soaps/detergents you use for bathing and dishwashing, etc., your crops will thank you.
    If things need disinfecting or grease-cutting, don’t use bleach – use vinegar. Baking soda as scouring powder, etc. Investigate making your own soaps with glycerin instead of lye. And don’t forget – sunshine is the best disinfectant and laundry freshener there is!
    No, nuclear power is NOT the answer to global warming. We can adjust and adapt to different ways of doing things. All we have to do is do it. The big numbers game on our heads is propaganda and Money-Talking. They aren’t satisfied to have impoverished billions of us with their stupid economic Monopoly game, they want everything else too. Everything. ****’em, I say.
    Caveat: In their (small) favor, the MoneyMasters are no longer investing in nukes. Truth is, there is not enough money on this planet to build the 4,000 new nukes we’d need within the next 20 years to put a dent in anthropocentric global warming. In fact, they’re locked into a grand ‘austerity’ plan for the next 20 years that is going to seriously diminish the demand for energy everywhere. Building new nukes is a total fool’s errand, absolutely unnecessary. Not gonna happen.
    9. As long as we’re talking nuclear power, do you buy Iran’s claim that they are only in it to building a nuclear power infrastructure?

    Sure, why not? Israel could turn ‘em to glass if they tried to make bombs. But Iran is seismically as unstable as Japan, they need a nuclear power infrastructure like they need bullet holes in all their heads. They have plenty of sunshine and wind. They should develop those.
    10. If the Israelis do, indeed, bomb the Iranian installations, how is that likely to be (compared to Fukushima or Chernobyl, for example)?
    Meh. Just another bomb. Somebody’s exploding one somewhere every year or so, sometimes more. Even the Israelis aren’t dumb enough to bomb a site stuffed with already-enriched fuel. If they bomb, they’ll bomb before there’s fuel (or bomb facilities outlying that would cripple the project), and they’ll use bunker-busters, not nukes. Israelis talk tough, but they aren’t suicidal.
    11. Is nuclear terrorism inside the US a real threat, or is it a sales job on the American people?

    Heh. You can answer this one.
    Since Fukushima we are told the worst case of radioactive pollution the planet’s ever seen is no big deal, right? So we’re supposed to be terrified of some disgruntled teenager blowing an IUD/pressure cooker with an X-ray source mixed in? I wish they’d make up their damned minds.
    This used to be the “Home of the Brave,” strange as that seems these days. Our own government is doing most of the terrorizing lately far as I can see, and no. They are not really serious about anything but keeping people terrified (dead people aren’t afraid). And while they don’t care when or how we die, they won’t kill themselves just to kill us. They don’t have to help us stay alive, so probably won’t.
    Caveat: If de ebil terrier-ists blow the hell outta my little town tomorrow, I will stand corrected. Unfortunately for the terror-mongers, if they blew the hell outta my little town, nobody would miss it.
    12. As an expert in nuclear affairs, do you ever get the sense that you (and your colleagues) are more subject to government surveillance than regular people? Do/should nuclear scientists be more alarmed about government surveillance than anyone else?

    Not any more!!!
    I and my colleagues left the nuclear industry decades ago. But yeah, they’ve been tapping our phones since submarine days. You learn not to say things they might take the wrong way. Or say ‘hi’ to them, especially on holidays when you’re waiting for Mom to come to the phone.
    The assumption of constant surveillance is given for whole classes of people in this (and other) countries. Welcome to our world!
    13. If you were a regular working stiff in Japan, would you still be there?

    Most likely not. But then, I’m not Japanese. If I were in the southwest of that country I might stick around. If I were Tokyo-north, I’d have bugged out two and a half years ago.
    About Joy: Joy Thompson was part of a 3-person investigatory team with her husband Randall and colleague David Bear during the immediate recovery operation at TMI-2 in 1979. As health physics personnel, the team monitored on-site radiation levels, releases of radioactive contamination into the environment and doses to workers. The Thompsons went on to establish a family entertainment business with their children, and took up homesteading in the mountains of North Carolina. Joy maintains a blog about homesteading, self-sufficiency, current issues and organic gardening, Wise Living Journal.
    For an informative, fascinating and somewhat shocking account of Joy and Randall’s experience at TMI, I recommend that you read the article Investigation: Revelations about Three Mile Island disaster raise doubts over nuclear plant safety.
    The Final Word

    As good as I am about reaching out to people, I sometimes struggle with just the right questions. For assistance with this article, I asked George Ure (Peoplenomics) to help formulate questions using his investigative nose for news. He was, after all, the news director at a leading Seattle radio station for years and years.
    I would also like to thank Joy for her willingness to publicly share her thoughts with us. She has endured much as a result of her frankness over the TMI cover-up and is a great friend to Backdoor Survival when it comes to being honest and forthright.
    As I said at the onset, the answers to these questions are not what I had hope for and yet they are not unexpected. May God help us all as we navigate around the fallout from Fukushima in the ensuing years.
    Enjoy your next adventure through common sense and thoughtful preparation!

    If you have not done so already, please be sure to like Facebook which is updated every time there is an awesome new article, news byte, or link to a free survival, prepping or homesteading book on Amazon. You can also follow Backdoor Survival on Pinterest.
    In addition, when you sign up to receive email updates you will receive a free, downloadable copy of my e-book The Emergency Food Buyer’s Guide.
    Last edited by kathyet2; 11-13-2013 at 06:32 PM.

  3. #53
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Japan To Send Residents Home To Nuclear Wasteland (Video)

    Saturday, November 16, 2013 7:54

    By Susan Duclos

    The town is a “nuclear wasteland” and 20 year old photographer, Dylan Pukall captured what can only be described as heartbreaking but telling photos of a Fukushima no-go zone, where he says “It was so silent that the birds seemed too loud,” and called it “spooky… eerie.”

    The radiation levels inside these no-go zones is below danger levels, so the Japanese government is promising people can go home, despite scientists saying that it is “suicidal,” because radiation migrates and exists in hotspots.

    Beneath Pukall’s photos is an RT video explaining how groups of Japanese officials are urging the government to reconsidered sending their people back into a zone almost guaranteed to kill them.

    Consider that 27 years later, the Chernobyl exclusion zone is still empty, as the photos publish here from April 2013 clearly shows.

    Also consider the health effects such as as data on stillbirths, spontaneous abortions, cancers, and more since 3/11 is still being hidden by the Japanese government, just 30 months after the Fukushima meltdown.

    With the Chernobyl example and the health effects, why would the Japanese government even consider letting people back into the no-go zones when it is clear they should be evacuating even more zones and widening the area of danger to protect their people?

    Related - Pacific Now A ‘Gigantic Experiment’: “Amazing How Many People Are In Denial”

    Related - Fukushima: Fuel Already “Very Close To Going Critical” At Unit 4, Reactor 1 Has Ruptured (Video)

    See the rest of Pukall’s photos here.

    Susan Duclos owns/writes Wake up America

  4. #54


    Rep. Gary Miller (R-CA) 202-225-3201

    Rep. Buck McKeon (R-CA) 202-225-1956

    Rep. Robert Aderholt (R-AL) 202-225-4876

    Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) 202-225-2331

    Rep. Lou Barletta (R-PA) 202-225-6511

    Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) 202-225-2002

    Rep. Gus Bilirakis (R-FL) 202-225-5755

    Rep. Rob Bishop (R-UT) 202-225-0453

    Rep. Diane Black (R-TN) 202-225-4231

    Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) 202-225-2811

  5. #55
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Fukushima “Apocalypse In Progress” Gundersen & Wasserman

    Tuesday, November 19, 2013 20:36

    According to this just released interview with Arnie Gundersen and Harvery Wasserman, Fukushima is ‘an Apocalypse in Progress’, stated by Wasserman at the 28:15 into the video. With the removal of Fukushima #4′s fuel rods now in progress, the unit #4 fuel pool can turn into a nuclear reaction as they pull the rods up… leading to possibility of having to evacuate the West coast of the United States in a ‘worst case’ situation.
    Many more pertinent links below video.

    Published on Nov 19, 2013
    at 28:15 into the video, Wasserman states Fukushima is an apocalypse in progress.
    Gundersen: Unit 4 pool can turn into a nuclear reactor as they pull rods up — Bloomberg: Like a "self-sustained chain reaction similar to meltdowns" — NHK: Fuel is 1% plutonium (VIDEO)
    Green Power And Wellness -- 11/18/13 They wrote:
    FUKUSHIMA and the fall of nuclear power with ARNIE GUNDERSEN and MICHAEL MARIOTTE fill this riveting hour as we get to the bottom of the Unit Four fuel pool. A long-time nuclear engineer, Arnie explains at much of the only reliable technical information about what's happening at Fukushima. Executive Director of the Nuclear Information & Resource Service since shortly after Chernobyl, Michael sorts through the realities of reactor operations and waste management at If you are at all concerned about our global future, don't miss this show

    Fairewinds chief engineer Arnie Gundersen interviewed by Prof. Harvey Wasserman, Nov. 18, 2013 (at 22:00 in): The boron between the nuclear fuel has disintegrated. It was never designed for the temperatures it's seen and it was never designed for saltwater. So there's no assurance that you've got boron neutron absorbers between the nuclear fuel rods. So you've got what we call an inadvertent criticality — you've got the chance of the nuclear fuel pool becoming a nuclear reactor when it didn't want to be, as they pull these rods out. So they have to be extraordinarily careful that they dont snap a rod and extraordinarily careful that as they're pulling these rods, that the dont get an inadvertent criticality.

    Bloomberg, Nov. 18, 2013: Were the rods [in the Unit 4 pool] to break or overheat, it could prompt a self-sustained nuclear chain reaction similar to the meltdowns at three Fukushima reactors.

    NHK WORLD, Nov. 18, 2013: Spent fuel contains about one percent plutonium by weight. The spent fuel units at the No.4 reactor building have been in the storage pool for at least 3 years. Each is said to have up to 7,500 trillion becquerels of radioactivity. Because of this, the units are stored in water that can block radiation.

    Let's talk about Spent Fuel Pool at reactor number 4

    FUKUSHIMA bent pool fool trick
    do you believe THIS
    Fukushima nuclear plant - Two Flyovers shot in high definition
    Transfer of Fuel Assemblies to the Cask inside Reactor 4 SFP at Fukushima I NPP (11/18/2013)
    Published on Nov 18, 2013
    TEPCO started removing fuel assemblies stored in Reactor 4 Spent Fuel Pool on November 18, 2013. 4 unused (new) assemblies containing about 60 fuel rods each were removed to the cask by 6:45PM.
    The work continues on November 19, 2013, and TEPCO hopes to load the cask with 22 unused (new) fuel assemblies before the cask is lowered by the gantry crane to the ground.
    Removal of fuel assemblies in SFP4 is to continue for a year.
    For more coverage of the Fukushima nuclear accident, visit my blogs:

    Fukushima Unit 4 hoax underway
    Published on Nov 18, 2013 by Hatrick Penry

    BBC article: Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant begins fuel rod removal

    TEPCO report from 11/18/13:

    TEPCO handout with pictures:

    The ultimate collection of NRC FOIA information on Unit 4....Fear and Loathing on Fukushima Unit 4:

    See for yourself....the NRC FOIA documents pertaining to Fukushima:

    Something Wicked This Way Comes: The story of Plume-Gate, the world's largest, provable cover-up:

    Join us at The Post Ignorance Project on FaceBook:

    Physicist Dr. Busby Warns of Chernobyl Like Future for America

    Fukushima Reactor 4 Fuel Removal Death Watch
    a great argument by BeautifulGirlByDana who has been doing nightly broadcasts since October 25, 2013 and the last BIG earthquake off the coast of Fukushima Japan.
    Please join in the chat room for his live broadcasts every night and ask questions.
    Streamed live on Nov 18, 2013
    ~~~~I ran out of room, please read his description box.~~~~

    Published on Nov 19, 2013

    at 28:15 into the video, Wasserman states Fukushima is an apocalypse in progress.
    Gundersen: Unit 4 pool can turn into a nuclear reactor as they pull rods up — Bloomberg: Like a “self-sustained chain reaction similar to meltdowns” — NHK: Fuel is 1% plutonium (VIDEO)
    Green Power And Wellness — 11/18/13 They wrote:

    FUKUSHIMA and the fall of nuclear power with ARNIE GUNDERSEN and MICHAEL MARIOTTE fill this riveting hour as we get to the bottom of the Unit Four fuel pool. A long-time nuclear engineer, Arnie explains at much of the only reliable technical information about what’s happening at Fukushima. Executive Director of the Nuclear Information & Resource Service since shortly after Chernobyl, Michael sorts through the realities of reactor operations and waste management at If you are at all concerned about our global future, don’t miss this show…
    Fairewinds chief engineer Arnie Gundersen interviewed by Prof. Harvey Wasserman, Nov. 18, 2013 (at 22:00 in): The boron between the nuclear fuel has disintegrated. It was never designed for the temperatures it’s seen and it was never designed for saltwater. So there’s no assurance that you’ve got boron neutron absorbers between the nuclear fuel rods. So you’ve got what we call an inadvertent criticality — you’ve got the chance of the nuclear fuel pool becoming a nuclear reactor when it didn’t want to be, as they pull these rods out. So they have to be extraordinarily careful that they dont snap a rod and extraordinarily careful that as they’re pulling these rods, that the dont get an inadvertent criticality.

    Bloomberg, Nov. 18, 2013: Were the rods [in the Unit 4 pool] to break or overheat, it could prompt a self-sustained nuclear chain reaction similar to the meltdowns at three Fukushima reactors.

    NHK WORLD, Nov. 18, 2013: Spent fuel contains about one percent plutonium by weight. The spent fuel units at the No.4 reactor building have been in the storage pool for at least 3 years. Each is said to have up to 7,500 trillion becquerels of radioactivity. Because of this, the units are stored in water that can block radiation.

    Let’s talk about Spent Fuel Pool at reactor number 4

    FUKUSHIMA bent pool fool trick
    do you believe THIS
    Fukushima nuclear plant – Two Flyovers shot in high definition
    Transfer of Fuel Assemblies to the Cask inside Reactor 4 SFP at Fukushima I NPP (11/18/2013)
    Published on Nov 18, 2013
    TEPCO started removing fuel assemblies stored in Reactor 4 Spent Fuel Pool on November 18, 2013. 4 unused (new) assemblies containing about 60 fuel rods each were removed to the cask by 6:45PM.
    The work continues on November 19, 2013, and TEPCO hopes to load the cask with 22 unused (new) fuel assemblies before the cask is lowered by the gantry crane to the ground.
    Removal of fuel assemblies in SFP4 is to continue for a year.
    For more coverage of the Fukushima nuclear accident, visit my blogs:

    Fukushima Unit 4 hoax underway
    Published on Nov 18, 2013 by Hatrick Penry

    BBC article: Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plant begins fuel rod removal…

    TEPCO report from 11/18/13:…

    TEPCO handout with pictures:…

    The ultimate collection of NRC FOIA information on Unit 4….Fear and Loathing on Fukushima Unit 4:

    See for yourself….the NRC FOIA documents pertaining to Fukushima:…

    Something Wicked This Way Comes: The story of Plume-Gate, the world’s largest, provable cover-up:

    Join us at The Post Ignorance Project on FaceBook:

    Physicist Dr. Busby Warns of Chernobyl Like Future for America

    Fukushima Reactor 4 Fuel Removal Death Watch
    a great argument by BeautifulGirlByDana who has been doing nightly broadcasts since October 25, 2013 and the last BIG earthquake off the coast of Fukushima Japan.
    Please join in the chat room for his live broadcasts every night and ask questions.…
    Streamed live on Nov 18, 2013

    Last edited by kathyet2; 11-20-2013 at 12:44 PM.

  6. #56
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Fukushima: TWO Worst Case Scenarios With Arnie Gundersen

    Friday, November 22, 2013 6:31

    In this latest interview with Arnie Gunderson he informs us about the TWO possible worst case scenarios in our collective future. As all of North America and the northern hemisphere has now effectively been ‘nuked’ in this slow-motion and invisible disaster, what possible ‘worst case scenarios’ now lay ahead for us?

    Published on Nov 21, 2013
    TWO "WORST CASE SCENARIOS" By Arnie Gundersen
    All credits given to MissingSky101
    they wrote: Published on Nov 21, 2013
    Gundersen: Up to 3 explosions hit Fukushima Unit 4 after 3/11 — Study: There was fire in its spent fuel pool — NPR: Big worry since fire weakened building's structure

    Nov. 18, 2013:a fire in containment building [at Unit 4] weakened the structure. Tokyo Electric, or TEPCO, the utility that operates Fukushima, has reinforced the Unit 4 containment structure, but NPR's Geoff Brumfiel says it's continued to be a big worry.
    Geoff Brumfiel, NPR, Nov. 18, 2013: [The] fourth reactor caught fire. And ever since, that reactor, Reactor 4, has been a big worry.
    Chinese Science Bulletin, May 2013: "Fire in the spent fuel pool at the Fukushima reactor"
    WBEZ's Worldview, Nov. 19, 2013 — Fairewinds Chief Engineer Arnie Gundersen (at 5:00 in): The building was structurally compromised. There was at least 2 if not 3 explosions in the building

    More than two and a half years have passed since an earthquake and tsunami caused a nuclear meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi power plant in Japan. This week, the cleanup process enters a new chapter. Workers have begun the tricky but essential task of removing fuel rods from one of the reactor units there. Arne Gundersen, chief engineer at Fairewinds Energy Education, explains what's involved and walks us through the risks.

    Reactor4 pool still has debris inside
    Drop test of fuel container was conducted 23 years ago with different material from half of the height
    [Video] Tepco pixelates 2 parts of fuel container of reactor4 pool

    Tepco transferred 22 new fuel assemblies to on-premises transportation container

    M5.4 hit South of Fukushima

    [Video] Tepco's testing the fuel removal of reactor4 pool

    Nuclear Engineer: Every expert I talked to this week is very concerned about a criticality event during fuel removal at Unit 4 — "There's good potential for a criticality" (AUDIO)

    Professor: Fukushima twice as strong as Chernobyl when comparing species of birds found in both places — We don't know why they are doing even worse in Fukushima

    TV: Mentally disabled are working at Fukushima Daiichi, says journalist — Many men forced to go to plant — Homeless treated like 'disposable people' (VIDEO)

    Gundersen: Up to 3 explosions hit Fukushima Unit 4 after 3/11 — Study: There was fire in its spent fuel pool — NPR: Big worry since fire weakened building's structure

    Conservative Radio Host: Fukushima could be going on for centuries — Nobody knows how deep fuel went after meltinglInterviews Arnie Gundersen

    Oregon Official: Reports coming in of seafood with radioactive contamination, "They're kind of secretive, they don't want to give up their sources" — Locals concerned about impact Fukushima disaster is having on area fish

    Tepco: Plutonium is in Unit 4 fuel, it can be leaking out from holes and cracks in rods — Former Fukushima Engineer: State of plant is "hopeless"; Unit 4 vulnerable, "very dangerous"

    PS: I cannot comment or reply to comments thanks to Google+
    please subscribe to MissingSky101

    Would the sheeple notice our ‘nuking’ if it was a straight up, in your face nuclear bomb explosion or would they simply go back to watching football and camping out for ‘black Friday’?

  7. #57

  8. #58

  9. #59
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Fukushima? 5 Million Seabirds Estimated to Have Died on the Beaches of Australia and New Zealand

    Posted on December 2, 2013 by Melissa Melton

    Reports are coming out that unusually high counts of dead seabirds are winding up on shores in Australia and New Zealand. All the birds that have been tested by vets so far were found to be starving and emaciated.
    One theory is insufficient predatory fish to herd baitfish inland for the birds to feed on, but as Youtuber Pinksapphiret2 asks at the end of her video report above, “Is it a lack of baitfish or is it radiation?”
    Or is the radiation ultimately causing the lack of baitfish?
    The video’s narrator is surely referring to the crippled Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant on the coast of Japan which still spills 400 tons of irradiated groundwater a day, every day, into the Pacific Ocean and has since it was struck by an earthquake and subsequent tsunami in March 2011.
    While the mainstream media continues to play off the Fukushima disaster and the Japanese government and mostly government-owned TEPCO, the power company which owns the plant, continue to reassure everyone that everything is under control and the irradiated water is just hanging out in the bay in front of the plant (the most absurdly unbelievable story maybe in the history of ever), it would seem we are all somehow supposed to believe that the ocean is basically a giant Mr. Clean Magic Eraser for all of this radiation and that it will not have any real or far-reaching consequences on the delicate balance of the biosphere.
    We are supposed to believe this and go back to whatever it was we were doing, even as more and more reports of radiation-tainted wildlife, contaminated foodstuffs and mass animal illnesses and die-offs surrounding Pacific coastal areas continue to be reported seemingly every other day.
    If the questions above were asked of Yachtsman Ivan Macfadyen, who sailed from Melbourne to Osaka and then on to San Francisco earlier this year and noted how quiet the ocean was most of the voyage due to the lack of seabirds, he would straight up answer “The ocean is broken”.
    Move along, nothing to see here…

    Contributed by Melissa Melton of The Daily Sheeple.
    Melissa Melton is a writer, researcher, and analyst for The Daily Sheeple and a co-creator of Truthstream Media. Wake the flock up!
    photo: Benimoto

    Don't forget to follow the D.C. Clothesline on Facebook and Twitter.

  10. #60
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Fukushima's two worst-case scenarios explained by Arnie Gunderson

    Wednesday, December 04, 2013 by: J. D. Heyes

    (NaturalNews) Recently, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe ordered the Tokyo Electric and Power Co., or TEPCO, to decommission two more reactors at its Fukushima power plant, which was heavily damaged following an earthquake and tsunami in March 2011.

    The reactors, 5 and 6, were not in operation at the time of the tsunami and have been in cold storage since then. Reactors 1, 2 and 3 were heavily damaged and suffered meltdowns; there remains concern about the spent fuel rods in reactor 4.

    As Japan prepares to take on the expensive and hazardous task of removing more than 400 tons of irradiated spent fuel rods from the entire plant, nuclear expert Arnie Gunderson, chief engineer at Fair Winds Energy Education, was interviewed by WBEZ's "Worldview" about the process and described a pair of worst-case scenarios.

    Gunderson said that the easiest part of the process would be removing the fuel rods from the 5 and 6 reactors, but that only highlighted how "truly frightening" the entire removal process would be.

    The nuclear expert explained that the fuel rods are stored in a water-filled container that is not much different than an ordinary swimming pool, other than the fact that it is "50 feet deep." At the bottom of the pool, the nuclear fuel is stored on racks, he said.

    During the earthquake in 2011, the plant shook so violently, he said, that nearly four feet of water sloshed out of the pool at reactor 4. At the same time, the fuel racks at the bottom of the pool were damaged.

    Worse, he continued, shortly after that, the plant suffered some explosions, which caused the roof over the container pool to collapse in on the pool itself.

    Three-pronged problem

    "Now, I used to build fuel racks, and the tolerances are very, very high precision," Gunderson said. "If the fuel is in them, and the rack is distorted, it becomes extraordinarily difficult to pull the fuel out. It's almost like a pack of cigarettes. You can pull the cigarette out easily unless you distort the pack, in which case it becomes really hard."

    So, he continued, the problem facing engineers at Fukushima - particularly with reactor 4 - is major rack distortion.

    At this point, the fuel rods which were the easiest to reach and pull out have been removed. But the job gets much more difficult from here on in.

    He described a three-pronged problem.

    "First off," he said, "these racks are no longer as designed. They've been beat up by sliding side to side in the earthquake. [Secondly,] they have rubble in the rack. The third piece had to do with the building."

    Gunderson said the building housing reactor 4 was "structurally compromised. There was at least two, if not three, explosions in the building," leaving no "envelope over [the] top of the fuel pool."

    In order to begin the process of removing the rods, Gunderson said TEPCO constructed a containment building and a sort of "esophagus" surrounding a crane system, so that removal can be effected without spreading radiation.

    Two worst-case scenarios

    He then went on to describe the two worst-case scenarios:

    "First off... [the removal of fuel rods from reactor 4] has to be done. The building is structurally compromised. And unit four [is] worse the than others because it has more nuclear fuel in it. So it's not something that can be delayed by 10 years or something like that, because the threat of [another] earthquake is significant. And in a compromised building, it could really cause a serious radiation release if the building were to collapse...

    "The two problems are snapping the fuel [bundle] as they lift it out - and that's happened here in the states. Periodically, when you go to pull a bundle out, it gets distorted and it breaks. And inside are radioactive gasses... that are released into the atmosphere.

    "The other problem though - and this is unique to the Fukushima site - modern fuel racks have boron in the, um... surrounding the nuclear fuel. And the boron at Fukushima... likely leached out over the past two years, for two reasons. Its water was very hot, it was boiling, and this boron was never designed for boiling water. And on top of that, because they ran out of normal cooling water, they had to add salt water. So, the boron wasn't qualified for salt water, and especially hot salt water..."

    Gunderson said Tokyo Electric has had to add boron to the No. 4 reactor fuel pool, because the company cannot be sure that the boron coating the fuel rods is still there.

    "If the fuel gets too close to each other, it could cause a chain reaction in the fuel pool," he said.

    If workers trying to remove the fuel rods noticed boiling in the water, they would have to quickly put the fuel rods back in place, which could, of course, prove tricky. "That assumes that the rod can even be pushed back in," he said.


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