What if I told you that there was no federal debt? What if I told you that our government was not operating at a deficit? What if I told you that we could COMPLETELY STOP taxing the American public for at least a decade and possibly in perpetuity and never have the government run out of money? What if I told you that taxation was a control mechanism, not a necessary source of operating revenue?

Well folks, it appears that all the statements above are true, thanks to the financial shell game played by the local, state and federal branches of government. I have long considered whether it was appropriate to post this information here because it is largely unrelated to the topic at hand (illegal immigration). However, there have been numerous articles posted making reference to our alleged growing national debt and to which I have been obliged to make oblique reference to the fact that the debt may well be a myth perpetuated to keep us all in perpetual financial servitude.

Walter Burien is a retired forensic accountant ( the guys who are called in to decipher cooked books for investors, shareholders or federal investigators) who discovered the modus operandi a decade ago when he was informally asked to look into the mystery of missing revenue in the New Jersey state budget. What he discovered was that the budget was not the actual budget, at least not according to the average American's understanding of what a budget is. He discovered that the real budget that listed all liabilities as well as all assets and revenue streams was a document referred to as the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). Most of the largest revenue sources for New Jersey, including Port Authority revenues and Tollway revenues were NOT included in the budget, but did occur in the CAFR. While the state's legislators were whining about serious budgetary shortfalls, the state was in fact turning a tidy profit as off-budget revenues swelled state coffers. That didn't stop the dirty politicians from armtwisting the voters for a tax increase.

But As Burien soon dicovered, this wasn't just a dirty trick played by New Jersey. Almost every state and municipality in the US used these same deceptive book-keeping tactics to fleece the taxpayers, and so did the federal beast. Burien and a team of accountants gradually collected most of the CAFRs for the states and the major municipalities as well as the federal government and discovered shocking amounts of taxpayer dollars stashed into massive revenue-generating superfunds which, when combined totalled tens of trillions of dollars in POSITIVE ASSETS. It's one of the most colossal scams in history.

Here is a good starting page to get familiarized with the nature of the scam. The main site contains numerous links to confirm Burien's assertions. If we can manage to get someone like Ron Paul or Duncan Hunter elected to the White House, it's one of the first issues that we need to address. The stashing of taxpayer dollars into secret off-budget revenue-generating accounts needs to either be made illegal or else these accounts need to be the sole source of government funding, with all excess revenues rebated to the taxpayers who have been getting fleeced for generations. There is no question that the sorts of revenue we are talking ablout, along with funds from the Wanta Plan, can solve every budgetary need AND free us from indetured servitude to the world banks and to enemy states like China.

I encourage everyone who has looked in on this thread to follow the link and to devote some time to exploring the site in detail, and then to comment on what you find here in this thread afterward. Enjoy!