This is an article by David DeGraw, one of the true instigators of the Occupy Wall Street movement. Below is an interview of DeGraw on the Max Keiser Report.

EXPOSED: David DeGraw Works For A Soros-CIA-Obama-Socialist Front Group That Is Secretly Controlling the #OWS 99% Movement

by David DeGraw

That is my Onion-esque satirical headline to make light of what has become a very frustrating and infuriating experience. There are all sorts of wild conspiracy theories being spun about the #OWS 99% Movement and I have come under personal attack. I have repeatedly been confronted by irate people that accuse me of working for or with people like George Soros, Lyndon LaRouche, the FBI, CIA, US State Department and/or the Democratic Party and the Obama Administration. Let me be 100% clear here, all of these accusations are F.A.L.S.E.

First of all, the #OWS 99% Movement is a genuine leaderless decentralized grassroots movement. In my opinion, it is built upon the hard work of hundreds of thousands of people who have taken it upon themselves to fight back against their own financial oppression and in defense of their family and country. As someone who has spent countless hours, days, weeks at Liberty Park, it is evident that people here come from all different walks of life and have all different political viewpoints. The uniting factor is that most of the people here realize that America has been taken over and is currently occupied by global financial interests. They have seized control of our government, economy and tax system, and have rigged our political process against hardworking Americans. People at Liberty Park, the 99%ers, are here to defend the United States against a global financial oligarchy. They are not here because they are the puppets of anyone. They are fighting back against economic tyranny PERIOD.

It is highly insulting when people make accusations that we are essentially puppets of other interests. Just come to Liberty Park and try telling someone who has been pepper-sprayed, beaten with police sticks and arrested that they are puppets of people like Soros and Obama. See how they respond to that. The people making these accusations and spinning these conspiracy theories haven’t even had enough respect to come to Liberty Park to talk directly with us.

To clear up any questions or misguided theories about my role and background within the movement, I have already written a long report, which I will repost below, that people making accusations against me have repeatedly ignored and have refused to reference. When people make unfounded accusations and blatantly ignore this history, I get the feeling that they are divide and conquer pawns.

In addition to the report below, in the spirit of full disclosure, here is a list of my reporting over the past 2.5 years.

Before making more accusations, I suggest you follow the links within this report to understand the full context:
Report from the Frontlines: The Long Road to #OccupyWallStreet and the Origins of the 99% Movement
By David DeGraw

… The road that led to the successful occupation has been a long, hard and winding one. When you go to Liberty Park, into the heart of the occupation, you will see a very diverse group of people with opinions across the entire political spectrum. It is the very essence of a ground-up grassroots decentralized movement. Everyone there has their own individual story on what brought them to take such a strong and inspiring stand in support this action. I urge members of the press and people interested in the movement to begin a dialogue with any one of the people taking part. There are many fascinating stories to be heard and a deeper understanding of what’s happening is impossible without hearing from a plurality of voices.

To give some background information, the following is a timeline of my 19-month long personal experience within the movement:

The Birth of the 99% Movement

On February 15th, 2010, published the first-part of an extensive six-part series that I wrote detailing the financial destruction of the US economy. The report is entitled, “The Economic Elite Vs. The People of the United States.â€