House and Senate are out of control as they have been ignoring and openly defying The Constitution of the United States

The Court of Last Resort

- Stan McHugh
Friday, May 27, 2011

It is an undeniable fact that the current administration in Washington and many members of both the House and Senate are out of control as they have been ignoring and openly defying The Constitution of the United States on a regular and repeated basis. The same is true of members of the Federal Judiciary that by legislating from the bench ignore and defy the Constitution.

If America is to survive as a nation of laws that protect the freedom of the individual citizen, something must be done to bring such people under control. Clearly the arrogance of these individuals has become such that they see themselves as being above those laws (The Constitution of the United States) that they are all sworn to protect and defend. Removal from office of those who violate their very oath of office is, without question, a just response to such action. Officials that are elected can always be removed from office at the next election, but the damage that they do by their outright unconstitutional actions while in office can take years if not generations to repair. Others are appointed, some even for life, which places them effectively outside the control of the citizens that they supposedly serve.

Although far too many people today seem to have lost track of the concept, it is a fact that this nation was established, not for the benefit of the rulers or a “ruling classâ€