Did I hear that Obama is to appear on Larry King
tomorrow, Tuesday, July 15,200?

Soft questions only: I wonder if King will be easy on Obama and only ask him soft
questions, questions about the economy and the Middle East that Obama will obviously know so well that he could answers such questions in his sleep.

How about some hard questions: Or, will King have the courage to ask Obama very hard questions like the following:

1. Hospital in Hawaii where Obama was born: "Obama, why won't you tell the public the name of Hawaii hospital where you were born? Why don't you sign a release waiver so that the media can ask hospitals in Hawaii about your birh records?"

2. Hawaii birth certificate: "Obama, why are you stonewalling when the media asks to see your valid birth certificate?
"Why don't you simply sign a privacy waiver so that the media can obtain a copy of your birth certificate from Hawaii?
"Will you show me, Larry King, your valid Hawaii birth certificate?"

3. "Obama, when you won't tell people the Hawaii hospital where you were born, and you won't let the public examine a valid copy of your birth certificate, it looks like you are hiding somethiing.
"Obama, are you hiding something?"

4. Suggestion: E-mail Larry King. Maybe we should all e-mail Larry King and ask him to have Obama respond to the Hawaii birth hospital and to the Hawaii birth certificate controversies.