If there were no internet age and no computers, how would
we know how old Obama was?

If you know how old Obama is, how do you know?

And please don't refer me to one of those obscure
websites that claims to have seen and touched
Obama's birth certificate.

The media, Palin, Obama: The media has rushed to Alaska
to examine every inch of Gov. Palin's background.

On the other hand, the media has not rushed to Hawaii to
examine Obama's life. The media seems to have a don't-touch-
Obama attitude.

For instance, the media has failed to put any serious, public
pressure on Obama so that Obama will allow Hawaii to release
his valid birth certificate and his birth hospital records to the
the public.

My goodness, what happened to Obama some 47 years ago
in his Hawaii birth hospital that would force Obama to hide those
47 year old birth hospital records?