The more we can expose the vested interests of those involved in the cover-up

Hypocrisy, Cover-up and Deceptions Drive IPCC Climate Defenders

By Dr. Tim Ball
Monday, April 12, 2010

A bizarre event occurred at the University of Victoria (UVic) in Canada on Thursday, April 8th. It typified the desperate effort to deny evidence and perpetuate the deceptions promoted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The central theme illustrates the delusion because it argued the media had distorted the truth and given priority to the skeptical side.

Accusations that the media favored skeptics are a frequent theme of IPCC member, computer modeler and UVic faculty member Andrew Weaver; however, he did not participate openly in the promotion or the event. James Hoggan, Chairman of the David Suzuki Foundation handled this using his skills as owner of a Public Relations company. He is also founder of the Desmogblog web page that specializes in personal attacks on those who question the science. They’re usually accused of being energy company stooges. The hypocrisy of this is the Suzuki Foundation receives money from Oil companies and clients of his PR business are alternate energy companies, which benefit from having CO2 identified as the primary problem.

Bargaining Away Grief Caused By Reality
The UVic event is part of worldwide efforts to save the IPCC and perpetuate the fallacy that CO2 is causing global warming or climate change. It is the third of Elizabeth Kubler Ross’s stages of dealing with grief called bargaining. This involves the hope that the inevitable can be postponed or delayed especially by negotiation. Plans for the delay are under way including for the next IPCC Report, which involves the same structure and most of the same people including discredited Chairman Rajendra Pachauri.

Two events have panicked those who benefited from the fallacy. This includes all those lured by massive inputs of government money from academics to businesses pursuing everything from carbon credits to alternate energies. Most vociferous are the political and environmental groups who used global warming as the major vehicle for their agendas. The first event was the cooling that began in 2001 in complete contradiction to the theory that human CO2 was driving temperatures. The second were the leaked emails from the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia (UEA) that disclosed the machinations of climate scientists who also controlled the IPCC. Kevin Trenberth, CRU and IPCC participant, combined the two in his despairing 12 October 2009 comment that, “The fact is that we can’t account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can’t.â€