I am getting really tired of being beaten as a racist when I see and do not agree with what has been going on. Getting continual demands on our society from special interest groups demanding separate chapels with footbaths for Muslims, and the occasional business hiring Muslims having to provide breaks for prayer time for these folks.
Why is it that illegals popping out anchor babies every year get support from taxpayer dollars that I pay, while, as a citizen, I expect to fend for myself to the end of my life to pay for people that should not be here in the first place.
I have the right to speak my mind. It was a right afforded me at birth in this country as a citizen. And a very proud citizen who has seen a bit of the world, and didn't necessarily like much of it. I have never been known to kiss the tarmac of an American airport, but I nearly did.
I am exhausted and extremely disappointed that the once-proud American citizens seem to have been conditioned to accept any criticism heaped on them from all over the world in the name of political correctness. What ever happened to "when in Rome, do as the Romans do?" I guess it only applies to Americans these days, otherwise we are racist or protectionist or imperialist or...
I live my life as an upstanding citizen, not violating any laws, paying my taxes and living up to Christian values. I will not accept any blame for being racist by standing up against the attempted dismantling of what this country was and is. Unfortunately, too many people feel guilty about speaking against those who violate our laws or demand accommodation for religious purposes.