Idaho Seeks to Stop Real ID Act

Bill #3 Repeal of the Real ID Act was passed in Idaho. This Joint memorial is for the purpose of sending a message to congress and to our Congressional Delegation that the people of Idaho object to the mandates of the Real ID Act of 2005 passsed by congress. The Real ID Act of 2005 is an $11 billion unfunded mandate on the states, The Real ID Act of 2005 is a back door attempt to institute a national ID card as more overt attempts to create a national ID card have always failed in the past.
The Real ID Act of 2005 has serious constitutional and privacy problems. By requiring all states to issue driver's licenses to this new standard, the federal Government is attempting to force the states to become part of a national database with 50,000 access points to sensitive data on every American citizen. The opportunities for identity thieft will multiply exponentially. Rules for implementing the Real ID Act of 2005 have not yet been promulgated by the federal government and the states are unclear as to the actual expected cost of compliance.

Passed the House 2/20 by 69-0-1 votes
Passed the Senate 3/08 by 19-15-1 votes ... egislation