Famous Pop Icon Says “Tea Party Is a Plague”

Pop icon Cher took to Twitter to share some choice words for Tea Party activists and those who espouse Tea Party ideals.
In a tweet from her own personal account, Cher accused The Tea Party faithful as being a “plague on mankind,” saying tetrapods wouldn’t have crawled out of Tea Partyers as their “standards were 2 high.”

The ALL CAPS verbal assault is nothing new from Hollywood’s elite.

Many who inhabit the Southern California bubble affectionately referred to as “lala land” are so out of touch, they can’t see how far off their views are from the reality the rest of the nation lives in.

Though Cher believes she’s standing against a party that is “bigoted and prejudicial,” nothing could be further from the truth.
What Cher doesn’t realize is the same group she calls a “plague” is the same group that champions the reduction in the size of a government that continues to weaken the rights of individuals.

The same rights that allow Cher to stand on a digital soapbox and incite vile, hateful rhetoric such as this are the same rights The Tea Party and its faithful members seek to preserve at all costs.

By some accounts, it seems the tweet was meant to incite violent opposition towards Tea Partyers (as evidenced by the bomb emoticon).

The tweet was riddled full of hateful language towards individuals whose main aim is to promote liberty and freedom for all.

Cher is entitled to her opinion and her right to say it is protected by the 1st Amendment… for a little while longer at least.


Another has been kiss'in up!!!!