There are illegal aliens that live in the apartment above me. They both drive every day, and are erratic and unsafe. I decided to write an information sheet about these people, whom I know a lot about, and bring it to the local police. Officer tells me that they should have them in 3 days tops. Weeks goes by and they are still happily driving. I then call the police when I see them pulling out and they catch them. Next day, car is parked back on the street, and they get back in and start driving again! I call the police again, and they send out a car. Next day, same thing.... I call and the dispatcher sighs...and then told me to hang on, another officer picks up and starts yelling at me saying that I can't keep calling, to come in and fill out a police report and that I would have to give my name and that the illegals would know. That, he said was what I had to do, I guess his way of deterring me from calling again.
How is this possible? Why would I have to file a police report, and what would doing so accomplish?
This seems proposterous that they can continually keep driving and the police have done nothing but give them a citation with a small fine. The police seem to have no interest in them breaking the law every day!

Any input from anyone??