Interesting New Take On The Financial Meltdown Of ObamaCare: Just Look To Medicaid

By Joseph R. Carducci on October 28, 2013 Subscribe to Joseph R. Carducci's Feed

As most of us continue to wonder and pay attention to all of the glitches involved in the ObamaCare online health exchanges, there might be another, more integral problem that has been overlooked. We have all heard the reports about how the sites do not work and that Obama has now implemented some sort of ‘tech surge’ and is promising to have everything fixed and working by the end of November.
Instead of all this, perhaps we should be considering the make up of those who have indeed waded through these dangerous waters and actually ended up enrolled in ObamaCare. Who are they and what type of plans have they been purchasing? It would appear, according to a new report from CBS News, that the vast majority of these sign-ups are actually new Medicaid recipients. The problem with this? It may lead to the program imploding upon itself, unable to manage healthcare costs. Listen to this quote from the report:
“A CBS News analysis shows that in many of the 15 state-based health insurance exchanges more people are enrolling in Medicaid rather than buying private health insurance. And if that trend continues, there’s concern there won’t be enough healthy people buying health insurance for the system to work….The newly insured in some of those states are overwhelmingly low-income people signing up for Medicaid at no cost to them….CBS News has confirmed that in Washington, of the more than 35,000 people newly enrolled, 87 percent signed up for Medicaid. In Kentucky, out of 26,000 new enrollments, 82 percent are in Medicaid. And in New York, of 37,000 enrollments, Medicaid accounts for 64 percent….the numbers are causing concern in the insurance industry, which needs healthy adults to buy private insurance in large numbers for the system to work.”

So, we are now seeing many more people signing up for Medicaid than are actually buying insurance under ObamaCare. A further concern is the fact that Medicaid was already in very poor financially and operation shape before this roll out. Now, ObamaCare has actually expanded and extended this program on a massive basis. It is incredibly underfunded and many doctors and hospitals are refusing to accept new Medicaid patients because of the very low government reimbursement rates. Plus, there is a lot of evidence suggesting Medicaid does not work properly, with studies showing that recipients have no better health outcomes than those who are uninsured!
So, does anyone out there still believe Obama? Remember when he said that the ObamaCare product is “good” and that it works “really well?” There are even tons of people having coverage dropped, even those who liked their plans…despite Obama’s promises that no one would lose their plan if they wanted to keep it. The bottom line is that Obama lied…about just about everything in relation to the kind of changes ObamaCare would bring.
Now, we are even seeing a number of Senate Democrats calling for the Obama Regime to delay and extend the enrollment deadlines and fines. The problem is that if any type of delay does occur, but people are still able to enroll in Medicaid and ObamaCare insurance plans, then this will only lead to more problems. Why should we expect to see a change in the trend of more people joining Medicaid? Or more sick, older people obtaining most of the private insurance plans? These trends will most likely not be fixed simply by fixing the technical aspects of the website. And the ObamaCare death spiral will continue.
What do YOU think? Does more people joining Medicaid than ObamaCare spell a big problem? What do you think the Regime will do? How would YOU act in this situation?