It's coming. I feel it in my bones. I smell it on the breeze. I see it with my eyes. It's in the signs at the Tea Parties, in the angry voices at the town hall meetings and rallies, in the determination of citizen grand juries, in the pointed letters, emails, phone calls and faxes to the state and federal government saying "We've had enough!". It's the American people, waking up by the hundreds and thousands and they're pissed off! A blind man can see it! I attended a "Sovereignty or Secession" rally at the state capitol building in Austin today. Those attending weren't radicals, extremists or professional protesters. They were elderly, teenagers, kids, baby boomers and veterans, people with their families who weren't bused in but drove up in their own cars. They've decided it's time to draw a line in the sand. And so have I! I'm not a fear monger or an anarchist nut job. I'm just tired of my rights as a citizen being handed over to illegal alien invaders, the desecration of our constitution, the trashing of our American traditions and the destruction of our economy. The day of reckoning for the traitors in our government, both federal and state, is coming soon. We need to hold them accountable for their betrayal!