Joke Of The Day: Obama's "American Jobs Act!"

Tell Congress To Say NO WAY To Obama's American Jobs Act Scam

"How DARE you give me so much grief over my visionary jobs plan. You are just a simple-minded American. This time, I'm going to show you who's boss. My American Jobs Act is really a colossal TAX HIKE and a GUILLOTINE for small and large businesses. But I'm sure an unsophisticated person like you wouldn't ever figure that out."

That's what Obama thinks about you.

That's what Obama thinks about me.

That's what Obama thinks about EVERYONE in America.

He is an elitist to the core.

Obama spent the last two months trying to get Americans to FALL to their knees and BEG for his latest quack remedy to create jobs. After dangling his jobs speech like a carrot on a stick, no one really cared. So he rescheduled it over and over again...

...Because he had "more important things to attend to", like going on vacation after vacation. But, his political games FAILED to hypnotize us and have us pleading for his next so-called jobs plan.

It came to a surprise to Obama that Americans weren't as "foolish" as he thought we were. I'm sure he wished it was the 2008 elections again.

After an UNSUCCESSFUL attempt to use his jobs speech to hijack the GOP primary debates, King Obama decided to grace America with his presence. He used his "highly anticipated" speech to BERATE Americans for not following him blindly off another stimulus cliff.

Obama delivered his speech with an expression of utter CONTEMPT. And he made sure to take an occasional break to raise his voice to DEMAND Congress pass the American Jobs Act: "RIGHT AWAY!"

As if delaying another stimulus bill will cost us any jobs. In fact, stopping it will SAVE jobs and SAVE our economy.

Obama thinks anyone who disagrees with his job creating gimmicks is an idiot. According to a recent Gallup poll 50% of Americans disapprove of Obama's leadership. I guess 150 MILLION AMERICANS are consummate dunces.

So after all the theatrics, what was Obama's magical solution for the jobs crisis? Another WORTHLESS STIMULUS SCAM! How much will this cost taxpayers? A whopping $450 BILLION DOLLARS!

Who will pay for this?

My great great great great grandkids?

Your great great great great grandkids?

What will we get in return for Obama's $450 BILLION DOLLAR TAX Scam? 10 policies that will mark the end of the American economy as we know it....

~ More spending on planes, trains and automobiles.

~ Tax hikes on American companies who create jobs.

Obama PUNISHES job creators then ignorantly wonders why 14 MILLION PEOPLE are unemployed? It's INSANE!

~ Revamping and updating foreclosed homes

The foreclosure crisis is a TRAGEDY. Asking struggling Americans to fork over more of their hard-earned money to pay for everyone else's home that is in foreclosure is criminal.

~ Eliminating a large number of tax deductions for American businesses.

~ Cutting tax breaks for U.S. companies encourages them to move jobs overseas.

~ Path to nationalizing mortgages.

Obama wants to give Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae who caused this economic crisis even MORE POWER - FORCING banks to lower their mortgage rates so anyone can get a loan - even people who will never pay it back.

A government worker hiring binge.

Surprise. Surprise. Hiring government scientists and spending $1.9 MILLION DOLLARS on international ant research didn't make a dent in the unemployment numbers.

More spending on bridges, highways and stop lights

Rush commented, The media is treating this shovel-ready thing as a joke....And we know that people are doing their level best to come out of their circumstances, and they've got this giant obstacle in the way, and it's this president's policies, his way of looking at the world, socialism, Marxism, what have you, and the government was supposed to be the big savior here.

~ Protection of union cartel bargaining rights

~ Americans would be ecstatic if they could just find work. Obama should be focusing on real jobs, not placating unions.

~ Wads of cash thrown at the construction industry

~ Tossing tax dollars at useless construction projects did not create jobs in '09 and it won't create jobs now.

~ Fixing windows and bathrooms in schools

We've already spent billions of dollars on education... And we CONTINUE to build Taj Mahals in honor of school principals, community organizers and radical leftists. Yet we still are one of the world's WORST ranking countries in education!

Obama remains blissfully ignorant that he's taking America on a roller-coaster ride of pain. He has the audacity to push another stimulus bill when the last 1...2...3...4...stimulus bills didn't work. When does it STOP?

If Obama isn't STOPPED - the stimulus bills will NEVER STOP!

There it is - Obama and his cronies have demonstrated they DO NOT FEEL YOUR PAIN - they just continue making decisions that FAIL over and over again.

THEY JUST DON'T GET IT -- but they WILL "get it," if the American people make their voices heard LOUD AND CLEAR again!

And that's just what we've set up our website to enable you to do! You can send Blast Faxes to EVERY SINGLE MEMBER of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, AT ONCE, telling them to oppose Obama's job-creating scheme - NOW!

Be sure to MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD TODAY! Thank you!

Defend America,

Alan M. Gottlieb
Chairman, AmeriPAC

recieved by e-mail from AmeriPAC on Tue, Sep 13, 2011 11:20 am.