Dec 1 2009 1:54PM

Our Annual Predictions for 2010. Good News and Bad News.

Will 2010 be a 1930 or, comparable to 1937? Is it different this time? When one nation state of a formerly high productive stature destroys itself with inflation, the untouched others can soften the blow and in time bail out the fallen one. This was Germany’s fate in the 1920’s. In our current instance, most all of the world’s economies are on their knees with some hurting worse than others. Who can help with recovery this time? There is no one. It will not be China as some suppose as China shall suffer the same systemic collapse as the U.S, and all of Europe, Russia, and South America. China’s neighbors Japan, Taiwan, Korea, India, Indonesia and others will join the fallen.

The interwoven complexities of international trade and finance have caught them in all in a spider’s web of systemic collapse. Those who can shall attempt a massive inflationary rescue. While it might appear to work for a few months, eventually all implodes. Please note the following from John Pugsley’s “Common Sense Viewpointâ€