Leftists Want to Ban Believers From Office--But Who are the Real Fundamentalists?

Political Fundamentalists—A Grave Threat to World Liberty

- Kelly O'Connell
Sunday, November 27, 2011
several links on this post

Here is a deeply disturbing truth of our age—one American group, our most aggressive political ideology, is dangerously reactionary, exhibiting all the hallmarks of a fundamentalist movement. Is this the Conservatives? No. This group is, of course—modern liberalism. In fact, during a recent debate witnessed by this author, one party claimed that any person holding a literal belief in the Bible should be kept from public office by law. Why? Because such persons are generally assumed unfit as they are incapable of rational thought. Specifically, the left must keep a perennial eye peeled for the advent of a theocracy.

Sadly, this dismissive instinct towards forging a Conservative ghetto to “protect the countryâ€