Let's drill for oil, for God's sake, especially in Alaska.

If we had started to drill for oil 30 years ago during the oil crisis of the
1970s, I believe we would not be in this $4-$5 dollar a gallon oil mess we are in right now.

Imagine this headline thirty years from now in 2038 A.D.:

"News Flash: The United States Congress is debating
a plan to drill for oil in Alaska and off the coasts of Louisana and
Florida, because the American people are angry over the $20 a gallon price it has to pay for gas at the pump.

"This debate has been going on since 2008, but for various reasons, Congress has not been able to come to any agreement over the past 30 years as to how to drill in Alaska and off the coasts of Louisana and Florida.

"Of course, drilling off the coasts of Louisana and Florida may not yield any oil, because the Chinese and European countries have been drilling for oil off the Cuban coast---with Cuba's blessing because Cuba shares in the profits--- for the past 30 years."