Say What? Liberal Bombthrower Chris Matthews DEFENDS Tea Party, Blasts Big Government

by Top Right News
on June 12, 2014

Off his meds?

Progressive blabbermouth Chris Matthews took a break from 5 years of calling the Tea Party “racist” and even “terrorists” to bizarrely defend them and attack liberals and even the government for being totally ineffective.

You have to see this one to believe it.

[T]his looking down our noses at Tea Party people has got to stop. They have a message, they’re as American as any liberal is, and they’re really angry of the failure of the system. I was over covering Eastern Europe when the wall came down. You know what people didn’t like? It wasn’t the philosophy of communism they didn’t like, it was the complete corruption of it, the failure of it to deliver to working people. And that’s what this system’s doing right now. We can’t control the deficit, we can’t control the debt, we can’t control the border; what good is government good at?
