Liberals Get Rights Wrong

Posted on October 21, 2013 by Tad Cronn

The surrender of the GOP leadership has done nothing to improve liberals' attitudes toward conservatives. Just the other day, MSNBC ran a scrolling chyron during the "Morning Joe" show blaming Republicans for the botched Obamacare launch. Over at CNN, Fareed Zakaria over the weekend went on a rant about how the Tea Party is extremist, radical and anarchist, and conservatives are racists who hate America.
What liberals really dislike about conservatives is that, with the exception of the spineless party leadership, we disagree with them.

The issue doesn't matter. To the liberal way of thinking, they're in power, and that means everyone else is supposed to shut up and roll over like good dogs. Anyone who doesn't comply is an enemy, anarchist and all the other labels they like to toss out.

This isn't always just a tactic. Many liberals sincerely believe that expressing dissent to their socialist regime is actual treason and that standing up for the Constitution against this law-bending Administration should in itself be illegal. Since the agreement to end the shutdown, petitions have been circulating in liberal circles to have Ted Cruz arrested. Some of them have gathered thousands of signatures.
Much of this liberal attitude seems to stem from their idea (taught in public schools) that human rights, including free speech, come from the government.

A liberal acquaintance recently tried a variation on that theme, making the argument that our rights come from the Constitution, and those rights are in the Constitution simply because we want them.
If you follow the logic of liberal assertions (something they never seem to do), what they call rights are actually nothing more than political privileges. The government gives them, and the government can take them away.

Obviously, there's a major flaw in that thinking. As I pointed out to my acquaintance, his beliefs are the groundwork for tyranny.

In the Declaration of Independence, the Founding Fathers made it clear that government derives its authority from the people, not vice versa. Liberals have turned this concept inside out, and their view of government as the source of rights leads to an absurd paradox, that government derives its powers from people who have no rights without them being granted by government, and hence have no right to form the government in the first place.

This inevitably leads to tyranny because if the people are not the source of government authority, then the government can only derive its authority from naked power, the ability to defend its claims with violence sufficient to overcome all challenges.

You can see examples of this occurring throughout history, but particularly during the 20th century in the regimes of communist and national socialist governments.
Ultimately, these flawed notions of governance and human rights stem from liberals' rejection of God. The Declaration makes it clear that just government results from a chain of events beginning with God, who created Man with unalienable rights, that is rights which are not contingent upon any condition other than a person's existence.

Because people even in the wild, in the most primitive of conditions, have these rights, they can therefore grant authority to a government. In this quintessentially American view, the sole purpose for a government to exist is to protect those rights that are inherent in people.

To liberal thinking, government is Big Daddy, and we are the children to be cared for and told what to do.

In the Founding Fathers' thinking, we the people are not just the parents of government, we are the architects, the engineers, and government is our tool, to be used to protect ourselves and our communities. A tool doesn't tell its master what to do.

Far from the liberals' accusations, when conservatives voice opposition to the government and its policies, they are doing what responsible citizens do.

It is instead liberal go-alongs who are committing treason by allowing a runaway government to dictate behavior to the people.