Life After The State Will Be Good!

January 27, 2014 by Bob Livingston


Where does the state get its power? It comes from paper money.
Trace it all out. It goes back to paper money as the root of all evil. All crime, poverty, corruption, wars, tyrants and despots come from paper money created by the state out of nothing.
What has happened to all paper money regimes throughout history? They have all collapsed after visiting misery on their people. The people of the world have their faith and their future based on paper money. It is all collapsing. It is not the good life; it is an illusion the world over. It is quicksand, and we are sinking in it.
What will be the final crime of the paper money system in the United States? It will be the destruction and impoverishment of the middle class. Why?
Members of the middle class are too busy being busy. They are about accumulating paper money. They are almost totally unaware of the crimes of the state and that the system they live in and depend on is collapsing. But the signs of collapse are everywhere.
And what about the rich and famous (not the entertainers): the 1 percent? Most of them are aware of history and how governments devalue their currencies, sometimes to zero. Unlike the middle class, most big events don’t escape their attention.
At the time of the great Weimar German inflation of 1923, most of the wealthy Germans were out of their currency and into foreign currencies that were still strong. They were also heavily invested in gold, land and art. They were alert to the devaluation of the German mark as a result of overprinting the paper money, just as in the United States today.
Governments repudiate their debt by diluting their currencies (paper money). It’s called devaluation or inflation — same thing. How many people realize that the United States is being kept afloat artificially by the printing press?
Of course, they don’t talk about this, except in coded language. They call it quantitative easing or QE. All it means is they are mass printing paper money or paper money derivatives under the pretext of buying U.S. debt as U.S. bonds.
According to Robert McHugh, Ph.D.’s Main Line Investors, Inc., newsletter: “The Fed buys 85 billion of U.S. debt (bonds) in exchange for freshly printed dollars each month. This is a systematic monetization of the national debt, a huge eraser of debt and in effect forgiving the debt. Debt is gone, dollars appear. At this rate the entire national debt of $17 trillion would be wiped away in about 17 years. This is one big hoax, a financial trick that very few can understand. It is a house of cards.”
So the middle class should do some of what the 1 percent does: Buy gold and silver, which is now on the bargain table. Buy land and store things of value with which to make a living.
Since we now approach a big explosion in the dollar price of gold and especially silver, some penny stocks will be going for the bull market ride. On Dec. 23, I bought 10,000 shares of Barkerville Gold, symbol BGM/V, at 40 cents. Most people would say that this is a crapshoot, and it is. But my study indicates vast potential this time around.
I sincerely hope that all you readers are loaded with silver and gold in your possession, as well as gold stocks, and that you have the stock certificates in your possession.
Store food. Store non-hybrid non-genetically modified (non-GMO) seeds.
If you are thinking of leaving the U.S., remember that all Americans are liable for income tax on their worldwide income. You will have to expatriate to have economic freedom.
I like (from what I know) the countries of Costa Rica, Singapore and the Bahamas; and Uruguay would be a choice country. Uruguay is about as big as Missouri and has a mostly Italian, German and English population. There is also group of libertarians forming a community in Chili called Galt’s Gulch.
Now what can we expect in life after the state? In his book Welcome To Life After The State, author Dominic Frisby writes: “As states collapse, now happening, there will be no wars, no taxation, no vast paperwork, no passports, no waste, no debt, no inflation. No wealth and power concentrated in the hands of a few. No needless regulation. The tyranny of the bureaucrats gone. No trade restrictions, customs, duties or other barriers to trade.”
The following is quoted from pages 230 and 231 of his book:

  • There are fewer taxes, simpler taxes and lower taxes.
  • Without pressure of tax, more businesses thrive, leading to more employment.
  • There is more trade and exchange, leading to greater prosperity.
  • Greater prosperity will lead to more exchange and greater innovation, invention and progress. Amazing things are invented.
  • Not only are we all richer, everything is cheaper.
  • Without the pressure to fund government, people do not have to work so hard if they do not wish. There will be more time for other endeavours.
  • People decide for themselves what they spend their earnings on.
  • Those who work hard are rewarded. Those who don’t are not.
  • There is less waste.
  • There are fewer wars. Wars that do happen are of a smaller magnitude.
  • There is no government snooping, no storing of Internet data, no MI5, no CIA, no NSA, no foreign military bases, no interference in the affairs of other countries, no support of dictatorships, no foreign aid, no invasions and occupations, no torture or assassination.
  • Education is no longer standardized and homogenous.
  • You are responsible for the education of your children. You decide what you want them to learn.
  • Healthcare is cheaper and better.
  • Responsible for ourselves, we take better care of ourselves. We are thus healthier.
  • Money, banking and the state separate. Independent currencies compete freely.
  • Government and the economy separate. There are no more bail-outs, subsidies or artificial booms created by government inflation of the money supply in order to get re-elected.
  • Houses are affordable.
  • Official measures, numbers and statistics become honest again as obfuscation is no longer incentivized.
  • Truth, integrity and good conduct follow.
  • There are fewer laws and fewer regulations. Individual responsibility grows, as does a sense of responsibility to the collective.
  • Through being responsible for themselves, communities bond and are more harmonious.
  • The institution of the family gets stronger.
  • The young are not alienated and priced out.
  • The cost of essential services such as health care and education will be in line with what local people earn.
  • There is more character, colour and variety.
  • There are no zombies.
  • The state is not responsible for welfare. Communities, families–people–are. Welfare is therefore more effective and cheaper.
  • The decision on whether to help out others is voluntary. There are no more schemes by which government forcibly takes money from people and gives it to others.
  • Sink estates are not built.

There is no more war on drugs and no more laws ruining drug-users’ lives. As a consequence of these libertarian principles, the way that people think and act is transformed. Societies are motivated and incentivized in an entirely different, natural way. This is mass behavioural change. What could result is the most prosperous, peaceful, harmonious, safe, responsible, caring, compassionate, educated, healthy, innovative, inventive, happy, fulfilled, truthful, honourable and free society in history.
It’s a natural state for humans to long for freedom. Only in life after the state are we truly free.

Note from the Editor: Round two of the financial meltdown is predicted to reach global proportions, already adversely affecting Greece, Spain and most of Europe. It appears less severe in the states because our banks are printing useless fiat currency. I’ve arranged for readers to get two free books—Surviving a Global financial Crisis and Currency Collapse, plus How to Survive the Collapse of Civilization—to help you prepare for the worst. Click here for your free copies.

New Filed Under: Conservative Politics, Personal Liberty Digest™