I've been saying this for months, and my family thinks I am crazy! Obama is going to implode and Shrillary will get the nomination. I'll take it a step further and predict she will be the next Pres.

This might explain why McCain got the shady nomination...Shrillary was supposed to be a shoo-in and McShame would have been NO competition for her; but Obama spoiled the plan...he won the nomination. Now the media is starting to go after him tooth and nail...and by the time Aug. rolls around, Obama will be mince meat! Every day he looks more and more incapable of running a 7-11, much less the country.

The next month is going to be wild!

Limbaugh Says Hillary
Will Get Democratic Nomination

By Bruce Marshall

On July 8th at the end of the 2nd hour of his program, Rush said that according to his sources Hillary Clinton would become the Presidential nominee of the Democratic Party at the Denver convention in August. Of course, Rush knows this is possible because an official nominee will not be decided until the delegates cast their votes at the Convention in Denver.

Rush knows that Hillary has not conceded, that she has not released her delegates, and there is along way to go until the Convention.

Rush knows of the Obama scandal sheet and has discussed Obama's recent betrayal regards FISA, Iraq troop withdrawal, and a hardened attitude towards the plight of American's suffering under high gas prices.

Now there is the growing PUMA movement that is calling for an open convention not a coronation, stating that it only takes 175 delegates to make Hillary the nominee.

It will be an interesting summer as Democrats realize the truth about Wall Street puppet Obama and fight against his hijacking of the party by an elite clique.
