Chad Groening - OneNewsNow - 11/1/2008 4:15:00 AM

A media watchdog organization is calling the mainstream media to task for failing to report on Barack Obama's radical redistributionist views.

The Media Research Center (MRC) is concerned about a recently surfaced interview Obama made in 2001 with Chicago Public Radio. In the interview, Obama laments that "the Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth and of more basic issues such as political and economic justice in society." Tim Graham, the director of media analysis at the MRC, is troubled by the media's lack of coverage.

"We found it rather stunning that State Senator Obama gave interviews in 2001, suggesting that the Constitution was flawed, that it really needed to be rewritten in a sense to allow more redistribution of wealth, but the news media hasn't found this to be much of a story," he explains.

Graham contends the media does not want to report any stories or information that casts Obama as an economic radical. Instead, he believes they have established the idea in many voters' heads that Obama is going to cut taxes for the middle class, even more than John McCain.

"Nobody in the media seems skeptical about this idea since this is also what Bill Clinton promised in 1992 -- a tax-cut for the middle class. It didn't really happen," he adds. "It may not happen again in 2009 if we get a president Obama. Especially if we get a president Obama with a liberal-dominated House and Senate."

If the liberal media does not fully support Obama, Graham says they should prove it by ending their willful silence on Obama's radical views. ... ?id=303670