Why Barack H. Obama Jr. Is Not Eligible To Be President
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by Donald R. Laster Jr., ©2011

The lawsuit Purpura v. Sebelius claims that the health care law signed last year violates the U.S. Constitution and that the person having signed it is an imposter president

(Jun. 28, 2011) — Editor’s Note: The following document is part of the appendix in the case Purpura v. Sebelius, which claims that the Patient Protection and Accountability Act is unconstitutional and that Obama is not eligible to serve as president.

The Post & Email covered the case here and here, and it has been covered extensively at Conservative News and Views.

The Jersey Shore Tea Party is a plaintiff in the case, as are many other organizations and individuals. Fifteen constitutional violations have been cited as reasons for the legislation to be vacated. The 15th item claims that the bill violates the Tenth Amendment of the Bill of Rights, which the U. S. Supreme Court recently ruled takes precedence over federal law in keeping with the Framers’ concept of federalism.

Mr. Laster told The Post & Email, “Actually it is 15 Counts identifying 19 violations of the US Constitution and 4 existing Statues. And that was from reading the bill “H.R. 3590″ through just 1 time.â€