I used to be a loyal viewer of Fox News. Especially after 9-11. I thought I was getting "fair and balanced" reporting. But that slowly began to change. More recently, I have been stunned at the blatent shennanigans they have been pulling on American voters who watch their debates and are sincerely trying to decide who they will choose as our next President.

Last night was the kicker with Hannity and Fox News special pollster Frank Luntz after thr GOP debate:

"Luntz says "Oh and one last thing, we SHOULD NOT give Ron Paul any credit for that poll last night, it is obvious that he is scamming them."

To which Hannity replied "Yeah that poll doesn't mean anything, he's got his people out there scamming these things like they do to all the polls. He's not going anywhere, everyone knows it, his supporters know it, and even he knows it."

They use these sort of tactics to plant seeds into the viewers minds that Ron Paul is not relevant. Despite the fact that he raised over 5 million dollars. Despite the fact that he has a nation wide following. Only THEIR choices are relevant. So, they give their choices center stage and more questions, which supplants them more in the minds of viewers.

Luntz may be good at what he does but he has done work for Giuliani! Shouldn't FOX News be held accountable for this as well as the other tricks they have been pulling? Everyone came down on CBS and Dan Rather. Why should FOX News get a pass?? I for one will boycott them and I urge more Americans to do so as well. Tell everyone you know that FOX News can't be trusted. And here's proof:

Taken from a PBS interview:
Tell me about your work for Rudy Giuliani.

Rudy Giuliani hired me because I was recommended by his political consultant and because I love baseball. I hate to admit this, but I brought my baseball card collection to show him, because I'd heard he was a fanatic Yankee fan, and I figured this would be a way that we could bond. We ended up talking for 22 minutes. My whole interview with Rudy Giuliani in 1993 lasted for 22 minutes, and at least 19 of the 22 minutes was focused on baseball. So I don't know if he got it right or wrong; all I know is that this was a guy who understood the value of words and understood the value of language, but even more than that, it's the power of personality. You know, you have asked me what matters in research and how do you apply different components. What matters most in politics is personality. It's not issues; it's not image. It's who you are and what you represent. And this guy, from the very beginning of his administration, even if people disagreed with what he was doing, they trusted him to do it, and even if they didn't like him, they respected him.

My job as a pollster is to understand what really matters. Those levers of importance -- sometimes they're called levers; sometimes they're called triggers. What causes people to buy a product? What causes someone to pull a lever and get them to vote? I need to know the specifics of that. And in politics, more often than not, it's about the personality and the character of the individual rather than where they stand, and that's exactly the opposite of what your viewers will think.


Here are 2 more sources:



Don't allow FOX News or any other news station to choose our next president for us. I think we should inform as many people as we know about this. And Boycott Fox News!