Major Retailer Stops Carrying Ivanka’s Brand

Nordstrom claims it cuts about 10 percent of the products it carries in its retail stores each year based on how well they perform.

That said, Nordstrom announced this week that it will no longer carry the Ivanka Trump brand. The company blames lackluster demand for her products.

There is no question Nordstrom stores are struggling. The company has reported declining sales in the past three quarters, and its stock price has fallen 11 percent in the past 12 months.

But critics such as Dennis Michael Lynch see it differently. “Truth is, it’s probably due to outside pressure from groups who want Nordstrom to drop her products,” says DML.

“Retailers are being put on black lists by left-wing organizations if they don’t dump Trump.”

Nordstrom is, however, sticking to its story. “In this case, based on the brand’s performance, we’ve decided not to buy it for this season,” the company said in a statement about why it dropped the Ivanka Trump line.

Despite the company’s statement, it is hard to ignore that Nordstrom, like all retailers, has felt pressure from critics of the administration.

For example, is asking shoppers to boycott retailers that carry Ivanka Trump or Donald Trump goods. The company’s homepage of its website reads like a spreadsheet, offering a detailed list of retailers who sell the Trump brands. Nordstrom is on that list.

According to Bloomberg News, Ivanka’s line of products had begun disappearing from Nordstrom’s e-commerce selection.

The Grab Your Wallet website took credit for the move by the super retailer. “I am absolutely thrilled, and I know the vast majority of Grab Your Wallet participants will be, as well,” said Shannon Coulter, a co-founder of Grab Your Wallet when asked about Ivanka Trump being removed from Nordstrom.