Whelp, better Luck Next Time (FULL BLOWN GENOCIDE)

New COVID 19 Data, SEERS 2025, The Pentagon, Remote Viewer Lyn Buchanan sees 75% depopulation by 2040

Sunday, January 8, 2023 0:19

(907) They CAN'T hide this anymore, it's all starting to unravel | Redacted with Clayton Morris - YouTube

They CAN’T hide this anymore, it’s all starting to unravel | Redacted with Clayton Morris – 19 minutes 50 seconds

  • Germany has excess deaths up 19%
  • Parliament Vice-President Wolfgang Kubicki calling for an investigation now in Germany
  • Heidelberger pathologist Peter Schirrmacher concluded 30% of deaths caused by vaccination seen in autopsies
  • Christine Anderson of Germany part of the European Parliament is asking the questions that needs to be asked…She calls out the lies
  • Dr. John Campbell gets tongue tied because he can’t talk about this.
  • Dr. Ryan Cole talks about how Dr. Fauci told coroners not to perform autopsies on COVID patients
  • Dr. Cole mentions that he has a post vaccine 9-year-old dead, healthy 22-year-old wrestler on his desk.
  • Video of a father crying on the grave of his seven-year-old child who suddenly died and county coroner refused to do an autopsy in Las Vegas, Nevada
  • Study out of Cleveland Clinic -
  • The more shots, the more risk you will get COVID 19
  • The more shots you get the more it will kill your immune system
  • Studies Germany, Israel, U.K. show same data
  • OECD.Stat – data points show an increase in deaths worldwide https://stats.oecd.org/